Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)
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Introduction To PHP
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1. PHP was developed by?
Ans. Rasmus Ledorf
2. PHP is compatible with?
Ans. Apache, IIS, Netscape Enterprise Service
3. Web server for PHP is required to be rebooted?
Ans. False
4. PHP is ……….. .
Ans. Dynamic Scripting Language &
Server Side Scripting
5. Which is the default port number listened by PHP?
Ans. 8080
6. To execute PHP programs ………… is used.
Ans. http://localhost or
7. Where should the file of PHP saved?
Ans. C:/Program Files/Xampp/htdocs
8. PHP generally works with which server?
Ans. Apache
9. Xampp is a ………….. .
Ans. Control Panel
10. For viewing server configuration which functions is used?
Ans. Phpinfo( );
11. Extension used to save the file of PHP?
Ans. .PHP
12. A dynamic web page consist of 3components, Which are they?
Ans. Client & Server & Data
13. Database used with PHP is……….. .
Ans. My SQL
14. Full Form of PHP is ……….. .
Ans. Personal Home Page
15. Does PHP support OOPS concept?
Ans. Yes
16. PHP is ……….. Product
Ans. Freeware
17. HTML can be written in PHP script?
Ans. Yes
18. Which of the following is a super global variable?
Ans. $_GET
19. In which version the Zend Engine II was introduced?
Ans. Version 5
20. With windows Xp which version of IIS is used?
Ans. 5.1
21. How to configure the IIS?
Ans. Open Control Panel and in that Administrative Tool
22. Which function is used to check whether the apache server is
properly installed?
Ans. phpinfo( )
23. How to configure the Apache server?
Ans. Open httpd.conf File
24. The web server is stable what does it means?
Ans. Server does not require to be restarted
25. Which version introduced the concept of OOPS?
Ans. Version 3
26. Next to Resmus Ledorf who introduced newer PHP?
Ans. Zev Suraski
27. Server side code is………
Ans. Scripting
28. PHP is freeware, What does it means?
Ans. Is not a licensed product and
Easily free of download
29. Apache is widely used in which Operating System?
30. From which site PHP can be downloaded?
31. Apache has special ………… module
Ans. Compiled
32. What the Apache server consist of?
Ans. Extensions of language
33. Which of following justify why PHP is used?
Ans. HTML support
34. Xampp is………. .
Ans. Control Panel
35. Xampp is product of………. .
Ans. Apache Company
37. Full Form of INI is …………. .
Ans. Initialization
38. Which is configuration file…….. ?
Ans. .ini, .htaccess
39. php.ini-production is used for………. .
Ans. Environment Testing
40. Which of the function to check configurations………. .
Ans. phpinfo ( )
41. In which folder of PHP .ini file is found………. .
Ans. (a) Xampp/PHP
42. Each statement in .ini file is stared with …………. .
Ans. ;
43. For what
htaccess is used for………?
Ans. Custom error and Set environment variables
45. Comments can be marked using ………. .
Ans. #
46. Which keyword is used for error documents in .htaccess file
……….. .
Ans. ErrorDocument
47. to set environment variable which is the correct way……….. .
Ans. SetEnv
48. Variable should always be in ……….. .
Ans. All uppercase letter#Press the follow button to get update.
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