Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)
E-Mail : rupareleducation@gmail.com
Contact No : 7600044051
Ch-1 :: Principals of Object Orientated Programming
Q:1 Procedure Oriented Programming?
oriented programming can some time be use as a imperative programming.
Which specific
the steps the program must take to reach the desires state.
In the procedure
oriented approach the problem is few as a sequence of things to be done such as
reading calculating and printing like input process and output.
oriented programming is biased upon the concept of procedure.
Procedure is also
known as routines, subroutines, methods or function.
It contains a
series of computational stapes to carried out.
Pascal, COBOL, C
etc, Programming language are known as a procedure oriented programming
Q:2 Object Oriented Programming Paradigm(Structure)
Object oriented
programming is a programming popular in 1970 which is the combination of data
and code to make of physical or abstract entity.
Object oriented
programming is a programming paradigm that use “object” and there interaction
to design application and computer program.
OOP is not simple
few future added to programming language.
It is new way of
thinking about the process and developing programming solution though he object
and built in data and function.
OOP is approach
that provides a way of modularizing program with the creation of logic and
memory area for both data and function.
Following is some
advantages of OOP.
OOP permit a
development of readable software system such as component can be created and
tested as a independent unique.
Data hidden is
possible so can not be access by external function.
New data and
function can be easily added whenever it requires.
Q:3 Basic Concept of Object
Oriented Programming.
OOP can be define
as a method of implementation in which program are organize are as co-operative
collection of object.
Each of which
represent and instance at some class
Following is a
list of basic concept of OOP.
Data Abstraction
and Encapsulation
Dynamic Binding
Massage Passing
1. Class:
A class defines
the abstract characteristic of object
It specifies
object characteristic like its attribute, files, or properties and behavior
like method operator and features.
A class is a blue
print that describes the nature of something.
A class is a user
define datatype which combine set of data and
Code of an object
in one unit it is an implementation of abstract data type.
2. Object:
An instance at
class is called an object every object will have
Data structure
called attributes and behavior called operation
3. Method:
Methods are
function built in to a class and there for into the
Object created
from that class
4. Data abstraction and Encapsulation:
Encapsulation is
the practice that include code and data in
Hidden form from
other object in the system insert the wrapping up of data
And function into
single unit called encapsulation.
It is also
consider as a data hiding or information hiding.
Creation of new
data types using encapsulated items known as Data abstraction.
5. Inheritance:
Inheritance is processes
by which one object can inherit the property of other Classes are link together
in a hierarchy.
Each class will
have a super class and possible a subclass.
Class can inherit
methods from its super class and inherit can pass methods onto its sub class.
6. Polymorphism:
The word
polymorphism is derived form Greek word where poly means many and morphism means
Each allow a single
name to be use for more then one related purpose which are technically different
For example: “+”
can be specified for both the addition of numbers and concatenation of
character even though both are completing different.
Show the
polymorphism provide the ability to use the same word to invoking different
method it is also called operation overloading, function overloading etc…
7. Dynamic Binding:
Binding refer to
the type of procedure to the code to be executed in response to the call.
Dynamic binding
means that the code associated with given procedure code is not know until the
time of code at runtime.
8. Massage Passing:
Massage passing
is a process by which an object sends data to another object or asked the other
object to invoke a method.
Q:4 Benefits of object oriented program.
OOP provide
several benefits to both the program designer and the user this improve
software quality following is some a list of benefits
1. Information hiding and data abstraction increase
2. Inheritance provides a way to reuse the data by
element a redundant code and extend the use of existing class.
3. Increases the productivity of program.
4. Dynamic binding increases feasibility by permitting
the addition of new class of object without having to modified the existing
5. Object oriented system can be easily upgrade and form
small scale to large scale industries.
OOP Provide other
advantages in the production and maintains of software which meet OOP an
important technology for building complex software system
Q:5 Application of object oriented programming
Application of OOP
Technology has importance in almost all area of computing.
The most popular application
of object oriented programming is in the area of user interface design such as
OOP is useful in
real time business system to simplify complex problem.
The application
area of OOP include
1. Real Time System.
2. Object Oriented Database.
3. Hypertext, Hypermedia and Expert system.
4. Artificial Intelligence and expert system.
5. Neutral network and parallel programming.
6. Decision support and office automation system etc…
Q:6 What is c++
As the popularity
of c-Language number of application where written in it.
The problem in c
program is that the program became longer and longer as a solution the
programmer was design a modular programming but here the data co-ordinate with
others and need to keep a discussion of things in a mind
So to solve such
a problem or limitation in a programming another language was devolved with the
concept of object oriented programming which known as c++
Q:7 History of c++
C++ begin has
expended version of c.
The c++
extensions was first invented by Bjarne Stroustrup (બેર્જે સ્ટ્રોસ્ટ્રપ ) in 1979 at bell
laboratory in new jersey.
He initially
called the new language “C with Class” however in 1983 the name was
change to c++.
The idea of c++
come from C increment operator ++.
Q:8 Application of c++
The object oriented
futures of c++ is used to built large programs with celerity extensibility and
easy to maintain.
C++ is used to
develop verity of ask to handle large program.
It is suitable
for the virtual reality and programming task including development of editors, compilers,
database, communication system and any complex real life application system.
Q:9 Input Output Operators
C++ provide few operators
called input output operator stream it refer data flow and classified into two
1. Output Stream
2. Input Stream
Output Stream:
The output stream
allow to performing right operations on output device like screen dist etc. C++
use the bitwise left shift operator for performing consol output operation
using cout object
following is
syntax of output operation
here cout
is a object of standard output stream the symbol << left shift is
called insertion or put to operators in insert contain of items like variable
content expiration etc..
for example
“hello India”;
According to
above example it will display hello India message on the screen.
It is possible to
display more than one item in a single cout output stream object
It is known as
cascaded output
Input Stream:
The input string
follow to perform read operation with input device such as keyboard disk file
C++ use the
bitwise right shift operator for performing consol input operation using c in
following is a
syntax of input operator
Here cin
is a object of standard input stream the symbol >> right shift called
extraction operator it take the value from keyboard and assign it to the
Following is a
example of cin operator
>> a;
According to
above example it will accept the value of integer variable a it will also
accept two different values using cascaded input operator.
Q:10 Structure of c++ program
The c++ program can be divide
into following section
include files
class declaration
member function
main function
In a first
section specified the header file include statement or other preprocessor directives
In a second
section the class declaration which has class with member variable and member
Some time a
member function can also be define outside of the class then it will be place
in the third section. Any other function can also be define in this section.
Every c or c++
program start from main function so in the last main function define with
declaration section executable section and with output section.
The section may
be place in a separated code file and then compile individually or in a group.
Q:11 Intro to namespace
Namespace is a
uniquely a set of names show that there is no any ambiguity when but the same
name are mixed to gather.
Namespace is
collection of classes, function, method, variable etc…
Namespace allow
as grouping name entire that work globally or local this allow to organize the
element of program into different logical scope.
The namespace is
a features added in c++ and not in present c-Language.
Name space is a
declarative region and provides scope of the identifiers.
To define a name
space use namespace keyword.
Name space
declaration can be nested within another namespace.
declaration does not have access specifies like privet protected public.
Following is syntax
of namespace.
Variable declaration
Variable function
According to
above syntax name space is a keyword name_space_name is name of the namespace
and no need to give semicolon after closing brackets of definition of name
:: Best Of Luck ::
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