Saturday, March 16, 2019

C# Important Question For 2 , 3 and 5 Marks for I.M.C.A.,B.C.A., M.C.A. and all IT Students

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOT - IT)
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Contact No : 7600044051

C#  Important Question

2 and 3 Mark Question

1.                 What is an Event .
2.                 What is Array?
3.                 Explain all types of errors.
4.                 Explain Panel Control.
5.                 Write a short note on Operator Overloading.
6.                 Write a short note on  Base Keyword.
7.                 What is IDE.
8.                 Write a short note on : .net Framework.
9.                 What is Property? Explain all types of Properties.
10.            Define Term :: Variables, Data Types and Keywords
11.            Difference Between :: Indexer and Property
12.            Difference Between :: Virtual method and Abstract method.
13.            What is Delegates?
14.            Write a short note on :: Generic
15.            Explain disconnected environment
16.            Explain Sorted List.
17.            Explain
18.            What is Windows Form.
19.            Explain Thread Synchronization with it’s utility.
20.            Explain Unsafe Keyword.
21.            Explain Progress bar Control
22.            What is SDI/MDI Forms?
23.            What is Event Driven Programming.
24.            What is Pointer?
25.            Write a short note on :: Listbox Control.
26.            Explain thread life cycle.
27.            Explain Types of Array.
28.            Write a short note on : CLR
29.            List out some common exception handling.
30.            What is Synchronization?
31.            Write a short note on Data Table.
32.            Explain Metadata and JIT.
33.            What is Error?
34.            What is accelator Key? (Keyboard Short Key Use & of Sign)
35.            What is Boxing and Unboxing.
36.            What is SQL?
37.            Write a short note on Virtual Method
38.            What is Name Property.
39.            Write a short note on :: Hash Table
40.            Explain Radio Button Control.
41.            Write a short note on :: Timer Control
42.            Explain RichTextBox Control.
43.            Write a short note on :: Dialogbox Control
44.            Explain Difference between Constructor and destructor.
45.            Explain Crystal Report Sections.
46.            Write  Short note on :: User Define Struct.
47.            Write  Short note on :: Method Overloading
48.            Write down the difference between Structs and class
49.            Feature and Advantages of .Net Framework.
50.            Explain constructor in Inheritance.
51.            Difference Between :: Interface and Abstract Class
52.            Explain Method with “Ref” and “Out” Parameter.
53.            Give difference Between Indexer / Property.
54.            Explain MDI Concept in C#.
55.            Write a short note on Dialog Box.
56.            Write a short note on User Control.
57.            Write a short note on Data Gridview.
58.            What is Crystal Report?
59.            Explain basic Three Stapes to work with delegates.
60.            Explain Multicast Delegates with suitable Example.
61.            Explain Keyboard Event with suitable Example.
62.            Compare Array and ArrayList.
63.            What is Queue? Explain declaration of Queue.
64.            What is Generic List? Explain declaration of List.
65.            Write a short note on:: ArrayList
66.            Write a short note on:: Stack
67.            Explain Types Of Setup Project in C#.
68.            Define JIT.
69.            Explain abstract class.
70.            Define CLR and CLS.
71.            List out Features of Visual Studio.
72.            Explain For Each Loop.
73.            Explain unsafe keyword.
74.            Explain Multicast Delegate.
75.            Explain Indexer with Example.
76.            Explain Jagged Array with Example.
77.            Explain Break, Continue and return Statement.
78.            Explain Interface with Example.
79.            Difference Between: MDI v/s SDI
80.            Explain data grid view.
81.            Explain garbage collection.
82.            Explain Checkonclick and Checked Property of checkedlistbox control.
83.            Explain Structure / Class.
84.            Explain ().
85.            Difference Between Manage Code and Unmanaged Code.
86.            Explain Progress Bar.
87.            Explain Time Control.
88.            Explain Switch Case with example.
89.            Explain Data Reader Object.
90.            Explain Command Object.
91.            Explain Radio Button Control.

5 Marks Question

1.                 Explain Unsafe Keyword. With suitable Example.
2.                 Explain Method overriding using Example
3.                 Explain Decision Statement?
4.                 Explain Sealed Class and sealed Method
5.                 Write a short note on Connection Object.
6.                 Write a short note on :: Groupbox and Panel
7.                 Write a short note on Dataset with Suitable Example.
8.                 What is Inheritance?
9.                 Write  Short note on :: Exception Handling
10.            Explain Mouse Event with suitable Example.
11.            Write  Short note on :: Scope of the Variable. With example
12.            Explain Abstract class and abstract Method.
13.            Write a program to check input number is Prime Number or not.
14.            Write a program to input 10 Number and arrange into Ascending order.
15.            Explain Jagged Array with Example.
16.            Explain .net Framework IDE.
17.            What is Collection? Explain Collection with example.
18.            Explain difference between Console Application and Windows Application.
19.            Write a program to Overload an Indexer.
20.            Write a program to chaining and firing an Event
21.            Difference between Groupbox and Panel.
22.            Explain all Method of Listbox with it’s name.
23.            What is the difference between Scroll Event and Value Changed event of Scrollbar?
24.            Write down difference between RichtextBox and TextBox.
25.            Explain any Five properties of ToolTip Control.
26.            Write a short note on :: Generic Stack , Queue, Hashset
27.            List out Common  properties and events of Control.
28.            Explain TabOrder  and TabIndex. With example.
29.            Explain Modal / Modeless Forms.
30.            What is context Menu?
31.            Explain Component of .Net architecture.
32.            Write a note on Exception Handling.
33.            Write a note on sealed class.
34.            Explain Edition of Visual Studio.
35.            Explain Visual Studio IDE.
36.            Write a note on Crystal Report.
37.            Explain Architecture.
38.            Explain Pointer to Class and Pointer to Structure with Example.
39.            Write a code to display records of Employee Table having fields Eno, name, city salary using Data Reader.
40.            Create form having two listbox and six buttons and perform navigation per click on Button. Like :   >  Move One, >> Move More Then One, >>> Move All

:: Best Of Luck :: 

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