Thursday, March 14, 2019

Data Structure 3 and 5 Mark Question List for BCA, MCA and All IT Students

Preapared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)
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Contact No : 7600044051

3 Mark Question List

1.                  Differentiate: structure V/s union.
2.                  Explain 1D Array with explains.
3.                  Explain Time and space complexity.
4.                  Explain Pointer.
5.                  Explain call by value and call by reference.
6.                  Explain enum with example.
7.                  Explain Dynamic memory allocation functions.
8.                  Define data structures. Write a note on types of data structure.
9.                  Explain recursion.
10.              Write sequential search algorithm.
11.              Write selection sort algorithm.
12.              Write a program that sort the values of the array using bubble sort.
13.              Explain root node and leaf node.
14.              Explain adjacency matrix.
15.              Explain minimal spanning tree.
16.              Explain binary tree and it’s types.
17.              Explain shortest path problem.
18.              Write an algorithm to insert node at first position in doubly liked list.
19.              Explain height balanced tree.
20.              Explain B – Tree
21.              Write an algorithm for Pus and Pop.
22.              What is Difference between Static Array and Dynamic Array?
23.              Explain Advantages of Pointer.
24.              What is Recursion?  Explain
25.              Write an Algorithm for bubble sort.
26.              Explain Types of UDF with Syntax.
27.              Explain Circular Queue in Detail.
28.              Draw Binary Tree  56,23,45,89,76,12,67,21,89,22,54
29.              Explain properties of Tree.
30.              Define Root Node and Leaf Node.
31.              Explain Algorithm for selection sort.
32.              Write Advantages and Disadvantages of Adjacency List.
33.              What is Sorting and Searching Explain?
34.              What is Node? How to create and declare it.
35.              Explain Big – Oh notation.
36.              Explain DFS in details.
37.              What are the advantages of Circular Queue over Simple Queue?
38.              Explain the term   Function.
39.              Difference Between: STACK V/S QUEUE
40.              What is Link List? Explain
41.              Write Postfix and Prefix Evaluation.
42.              Algorithm for quick sort.
43.              Explain Header link list.
44.              Explain Selection sort algorithm.
45.              Algorithm for Doubly link list Create Function.
46.              Algorithm form circular queue display function.
47.              Explain Insertion sort algorithm.
48.              Explain Priority of the Queue.
49.              Display Prefix and Postfix of (a+b)*c-(d+e)^(f-g)
50.              Explain storage representation of Structure.
51.              Explain Linear search.
52.              Explain Merging of Link List.
53.              Difference between Array and Structure.
54.              Difference between Stack and Queue.
55.              Explain Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix Representation.
56.              Explain Binary Tree.
57.              Difference between singly link list and doubly link list.
58.              Explain Enumerated Constants with Example.
59.              Algorithm for preorder, inorder, postorder of tree.
60.              Explain Type and Classes of Algorithm.

5 Mark Question List

1          Explain insertion sort with Example.
2.                  Write a program to implement shell sort.
3.                    Explain type and classes of algorithm.
4.                  Write a program to perform create , delete and display operation on singly liked
5.                  Write a program to perform create, delete and display operation on doubly linked list.
6.                  Explain Binary Search Tree and its all traversal method with example.
7.                  Write a program to perform push, pop, display operation on stack.
8.                  Write a program to implement quick sort.
9.                  Explain DFS and BFS
10.              Explain simple queue. Write a program to perform insert, delete and display operation on simple queue.
11.              Explain bucket sort algorithm with example.
12.             Write a program and Algorithm to implement function of Singly Link List.
a.      Insert node at Last.
b.      Delete note at Fist
13.              Write a Menu driven program to implement dynamic Queue
14.             Explain Structure as a Function argument with Suitable Example.
15.              Implement Stack with following Function Push, Pop, Peep, and Update.
16.              Write a program to implement Binary Tree.
17.              Write a program to implement Header Link List.
18.              Write a program to implement Singly Circular Link List.
19.             Write a program to implement Following Function and UDF in Doubly Link List
a.      Insert at Any Position
b.      Delete at any Position
20.              Explain Call By Value and Call By Reference with Suitable Example.
21.              Write a program to insert and display Binary Tree.
22.              Write an Algorithm for Find, Replace and Delete for Singly Link List.
23.              Write an Algorithm for insertion sort.
24.              Write an algorithm for Binary Search.
25.              Explain Primitive and Non – Primitive Data structure.
26.              Write a program to implement circular queue with all operation.
27.              Write a program to implement dynamic stack with all operation.
28.              Write a program to implement Dqueue with all operation.
29.             Write a program to implement Order Link list with all operation.        
30.              Write a program to implement Circular link list with all operation.

:: Best Of Luck ::

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