Tuesday, March 19, 2019

PHP 3 and 5 Mark Question for B.C.A., M.C.A. and all IT Students

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD -IT)
E-Mail : rupareleducation@gmail.com
Contact No : 7600044051

PHP Question Bank

3 Mark Question

1.               Explain static v/s dynamic web pages.
2.               Explain default argument function.
3.               Explain gettype( ) and settype( )
4.               Explain date_add ( ) and date_create( )
5.               Explain preg ( ) with Example.
6.               Explain PHP.ini file
7.               What is cookie? How to set and get cookie?
8.               Write a note on web services.
9.               Explain json_encode( ) &json_decode( )
10.           Explain PHP array.
11.           Explain class with constructor.
12.           Explain mysql_error( ) & mysql_errno( )
13.           What is multi-homing?
14.           Explain Mysql_fetch_row ( ) with example.
15.           Smarty variable modifiers with example.(any two)
16.           Explain array_shift ( ) & array_pop( )
17.           Explain bindec( ) and decbin ( )
18.           Explain header ( )
19.           Explain any three file handling functions.
20.           PHP operators.
21.           Client side v/s server side scripting.
22.           Static v/s Global variables.
23.           Write a note on variable length argument functions.
24.           Explain any three smarty custom function.
25.           List various server side languages.
26.           Give full form : FTP
27.           What is a static web page.
28.           What is the use of json_encode.
29.           Explain : JsonSerializable
30.           Give an overview of Distributed Web Server
31.           Write main user of XML.
32.           What is a static variable in PHP?
33.           Give Syntax of getdate() function
34.           What is the main user of PHP. Htaccess file.
35.           List various categories of PHP operators.
36.           Explain PHP.INI file.
37.           List various file handling function.
38.           Differentiate : GET Method v/s POST Method
39.           Expalin with example : Str_split()
40.           What is the main use of PHP GD library?
41.           Give full form of AJAX.
42.           What is jQuery.
43.           Which HTTP method should be used to send sensitive information to web server?
44.           Explain : cookies
45.           Give example of Regular expression.
46.           Explain how AJAX works with PHP
47.           What is the user of mysql_fetch_field?
48.           What is PhpMyAdmin?
49.           Give  syntax : mysql_errno
50.           Which function is used to create database in MYSQL.
51.           List various SQL DML Statements..
52.           Which Function is used to fetch number of rows from the resulted dataset? Give example.
53.           Example with example : mysql_affected_Rwos.
54.           Explain with example: How to close database connection.
55.           List various jQuery effects.
56.           What is the main use of jQuery  selectors?
57.           List various jQuery fading methods.
58.           What is the use of Dblclick() in jQuery?
59.           What is the use of ID Selector?
60.           Explain blur event.
61.           Explain how we can create custom animations using jQuery.
62.           Explain : jQuery Elements Selector
63.           Explain Client Side Scripting.
64.           Explain POST Method?
65.           HTTP & HTTPS Protocol.
66.           Explain Virtual Host.
67.           Explain PHP Looping structure.
68.           Explain any five Array functions.
69.           Explain GD Library.
70.           Explain mail() function.
71.           Explain PHP regular expressions.
72.           Explain JQuery.
73.           Explain following MySQL functions. Mysql_affected_rows, mysql_data_seek.
74.           Explain SQL DML Statements.
75.           Explain mysql_connect and mysql_close functions.
76.           Explain following functions. Mysql_fetch_assoc, mysql_insert_id, mysql_list_tables
77.           Explain jQuery focus () method.
78.           Explain jQuery resize method.
79.           Explain following functions is jQuery.  Click and dblclick.
80.           Explain jQuery hide and show effect.
81.           Explain Class and id selector.
82.           Explain jQuery Syntex.
83.           Explain: Document Root?
84.           Explain: Virtual Host.
85.           Write a short note on: XML and its advantages.
86.           Write a short note on: json_decode,json_encode.
87.           Explain: var_dump() and print_r().
88.           Explain: define() and include().
89.           Explain: str_replace(),fmod() and date().
90.           Explain: array_merge(),header() and exit().
91.           Explain: mysql_query() and mysql_connect().
92.           Explain: mysql_fetch_assoc() and mysql_fetch_object().
93.           Explain: Advantages of jQuery.
94.           Differentiate: jQuery Versions.
95.           Write a short note on MySQL and phpMyAdmin.
96.           Write a short note on SQL DML Statement Commands.
97.           Explain: Steps to add jQuery to your web page.
98.           Explain: jQuery Versions.

5 Mark Question

1.                  Write a note on secure and insecure request methods.
2.                  Write a note on AJAX with suitable example.
3.                  What is GD library? Explain any four GD library function.
4.                  Write a note on SOAP.
5.                  Write a note on CMS with its uses & advantages.
6.                  Write a note on jQuery selectors and jQuery events with example.
7.                  Write a note on $_SERVER variable.
8.                  3.Write a PHP script to upload a picture file on server.
9.                  Explain PHP regular expression function.
10.              Explain main feature of IIS.
11.              Explain : Resource Type.
12.              Explain : user defined function in PHP.
13.              List various Conditional structures. Explain any one.
14.              Explain : session
15.              Give one example of using jQuery with PHP
16.              Explain with syntax: mysql_connect.
17.              Explain with example: Delete command
18.              Explain with example jQuery Syntax.
19.              List various key events in jQuery – Explain any one.
20.              Explain Distributed web server overview.
21.              Explain following terms. Document Root and JSON Serializable.
22.              Explain php.ini file.
23.              Explain Static variable.
24.              Explain following functions.  Strtoupper, strstr, str_replace.
25.              Explain php.htaccess file.
26.              Write a program to find a factorial value using GET/ POST method.
27.              Explain Following functions.
28.              1. array_push   2. array_reverse           3. arsort           4. array_merge            5. list
29.              Write a php program to delete data from database.
30.              Write a php program to display single record  in a database.
31.              Explain: various Server side scripting languages.
32.              Differentiate: client-side and server-side scripting.
33.              Explain: any five string handling function in PHP.
34.              Explain: any five math handling function in PHP.
35.              Write a short note on: Ajax and its uses.
36.              Write a short note on: jQuary and its uses.
37.              Explain: imagecolorallocate(), imagecopyh() and imagearc().
38.              Explein: ereg() and Preg_match().
39.              Write a program to create and insert recorded in MySQL using PHP.
40.              Write a program for working with AJAX with PHP.
41.              Explain in detail: jQuery Events.
42.              Explain in detail: jQuery Effects.
43.              Write a program for displaying all the records from table using PHP MySQL Connectivity.
44.              Write a program for displaying all the database and table names using PHP MySQL Connectivity.

:: Best Of Luck ::
