Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD-IT)
Mobile No : 7600044051
Email :
Chapter No. 10
Que. Introduction:
Ans. Normally the data store in main memory of
computer storage but it is not preferable because the size of main memory is
usually two small to store all the data to overcome such a problem and store
the data permanently in secondary storage device. C++ uses the concept of data
file. The data can be store in the device like floppy disk, hard disk etc… file
is a collection of related data store in a particular user of the disk. A file
is a sequence of bytes, lines or records.
Que. File stream class.
Ans. In a C++ the file handling technique is
manipulated in the form of stream object. There are three classes for handling file.
That is…
ifstream (input
file stream): it use for handling
input files.
file stream): it use for handling output
stream): for handling file on which
both input and output can be perform. These classes are derived from fstream
base and its header file is iostream.h. The object cin and cout are predefining
header file iostream.h to perform standard input and output function. to deal
with disk file we need to declare explicitly in the program using the class
ifstream, ofstream and fstream. Ifstream support input operations it contain
open() function with default input mode. It inharit get() function, getline()
function, read() function, seekg() function, tellg() function from iostream.
Ofstream support output operation and it contain open() function with default
output mode. It inharit put() function, seekp() function, tellp() function and
write() function. fstream support input and output operation. It contain open()
function with default input and output mode. It inharite all the function from
istream and ostream class.
Que. Opening and closing a file.
Ans. To access any file first it must be open to
get handle it. The file handle and serve the data with a pointer to the file. A
file name is string of character by which a file is identify in the
programming. To manipulate file involve, naming the file, opening the file. To
get the file pointer. Processing the file for reading and writing error check
during the process. Closing the file after complete the task / work. To get a
file pointer if file does not exists then file must be created and linked to
the file name. a file stream can be define using stream class. ifstream,
ofstream or fstream. To open a file using constructor or using open method. The
constructor method is use to open only one file in the stream either to read,
write or in append model. It initialize the file object with the desire file
e.x: ifstream in(“student”);
according to
above example: Here it create in is
object is a class of ifstream and it open the file name with student for input
perpose. Same as ofstream out(“student”); it create out as the object of
ofstream class and open the file student for the output purpose.
Open file
using open() Method:
The constructor can open a file as
per specified stream class object to perform work either for reading or
writing. To provide a facility to open multiple file with the same object
open() method can be use.
Following is the syntax of open
method: filestream_class , stream_object;
According to above syntax: first there is a need to create object of any
file stream class and then use open() function with file name.
To open any other file with the
same stream class object first need to close it. The file can be close using
close() function.
Following is a syntax of close()
According to above syntax: Close
the file associated with the specific stream class object.
Que. File modes:
Ans. The constructor of ifstram, ofstream and
fstream can be open an existing file as per the object of stream class. Same
as, open() function can also be use for creating and opening a file. But here,
only one argument is specified with constructor and open() function. That is
the name of the file. C++ provide a mechanism for opening a file in different
mode. For that the open(0 function takes two argument first it’s file name and
second specify the file opening mode.
Following is a
syntax :“filename”,filemodes);
According to the
above syntax: first specify the file name and second argument specify it’s
Following is
some list of file modes:
File_modes meaning
ios:in open
for reading.
Ios::out opens
for writing.
Ios::ate go to the
end of the file an opening time.
Ios::app append
to end of file.
Ios::trunk truncates
the file if it already exists.
Ios::nocreate open
fail if file does not exist.
Ios::noreplace open
fail if file already exists.
Ios::bynary open
as a binary file
Que. File
Ans. To access the information faster from the
store file need to know about logical location at which the current read or write operation
The file
management system associated with two int pointer with each file its call file
This two int
value are call the get pointer and the put pointer they are also call current
get position and current put position.
In short, simply
the current position. Here, the get pointer specify a location from where the
current leading operation perform.
The put pointer
specify a location from where the current writing operation is perform. They
both specify the byte number in the file where writing or reading will take
File pointer are
set to suitable location initially based on the mode in which the file is open.
Normally, file can be open in read mode, white mode, append mode.
When a file is
open in read only mode the get pointer is initialize to point to the beginning
of the file read from the beginning.
When a file is
open in write only mode in the case of existing file the existing contain of
the file are deleted and output pointer is set to the beginning of the file so
that the file can be from the beginning written.
When the file is
open in append mode the existing contain of the file remain unaffected in the
given file already exists and the output pointer is set to the end of file so
that data can be written at the end of the existing file.
The C++
input-output system support a several function for setting a file pointer at
any desire position inside the file. They allow the control or a position in
the file where the read or write operation can take place.
Following are
some functions it support C++ input – output system:
Seekg(): move
get file pointer to a specific location. It is the member function of ifstream class.
Seekp(): move
put file pointer to a specific location. It is the member of stream class.
Tellg(): it
return the current position of the get pointer. It is the member function of
Tellp(): it
return the current position of the put pointer. It is a member function of
Que. Sequential input-output operations:
Ans. A file can be access either sequentially or
randomly. In a sequential access the particular data is access in a sequential
manner means one by one while random file allow access to the specific data
without the need for access its previous data items. However, it can also be
access sequentially. Organizing file is actually based on the media on which
the file is organize and store. For ex.. a
file is store in magnetic tap must be access sequentially. Where as a file on
hard disk or floppy disk can be access either sequentially or randomly. C++
file stream support a wide verity of function to perform input and output
operation on file. The function put() and get() are design to manage a single
other function like, write() and read() are design to manipulate block of
characters data.
Put(): The
put() function is the member function of the output stream class. It is use to
white single character to the output file.
Get(): The
get() function is the member function of
the file stream class. It is use to read a single character from the file.
Write(): the
write() function is the member function of fstream class and it is use to
handle data in binary format. It allow user to write more than one character in
a file at a time.
Read(): The
read() function is the member function of fstream class. And it is use to
handle data in binary format. It allow user to a read more than one character
in a file at a time.
Updating a
file (Random access) :
task of writing and reading a data two and from the file can be easily perform
by various method. It can be also possible to making, updating the data file.
Following is
some updating task:
Adding a new item.
Displaying the content of a file.
Modifying an existing item.
Deleting an existing item.
performing such action require the file pointer movement to a particular
location. That corresponds to the object or modifying a data. If the size of
the object item is same then pointer movement can be easily done. The size of
each object can be easily measure using the size of operator. So we can update
a file or random access possible using a specific function supported by the C++
input output system.
Que. Error Handling.
Ans. Some situation may occur during the file
access which may cause an unpredictable. The following is some situation may be
happen when dealing with the file.
When use try to open a non existing file in a read
When the file name use for new file may already exists.
When user try to open a file in a write mode which can be
opened as a read only.
When user try to read the data at the end of the file.
When there not be any space in the disk for storing
more data.
When user can invalid file name.
The operation
may fail in such a situation for that there is need to provide error handling
mechanism. The IOS class maintain and support several function to access the
status recorded in the data member. Following are some list of function which
help in error handling mechanism.
eof() : This function provide a facility to detect the
end of file condition. The end of file function return non zero(0) value means
true value. If the eof is encounter otherwise return zero or false.
fail() : It return value if read or write operation has
failed other wise false.
bad() : The bad() function return true if an invalid
operation is occur.
good() : The good function return true if operation is
successful without any error.
Que. Command line argument.
Ans. Command line argument is similar to
c-language. It can be also possible pass to the main() function. This arguments
are passed to the main() function at the time of invocation of program.
Normally the arguments are passed from the command prompt so such argument are
called command line argument. Following is syntax of the main() function with
main(int argc, char *argv[])
of the main() function
According to above
syntax the first argv, argc specify a total number of arguments in the command line.
It is also call argument counter. The second argument argv specify the argument
array of character it is also called argument vector. The size of this array
will be equal to the value of argc. Command line arguments are type by use from
DOS prompt and delimited by space. Here always first argument is the file name
which contains the program executable code.