Monday, October 2, 2017

Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Chapter No : 9 for BCA and BSc(IT) Studetns

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD-IT)
Mobile No : 7600044051
Email :

Chapter 9
Que.    What is stream?
Ans.                 Generally, every program must go through the process of input process and output. Where program take some data as a input and generate the process data as output. For that there is a need of technique which supply the input data to program and represent the process data in their desire output. C++ use the concept of stream to control the data for reading and writing. It provide string and stream class to perform input output operation an console and disk file.

Que.    What is C++ stream?
Ans.                 Stream is a logical device that either produce or consume info. A stream is link to physical device by the input output system. In C++ input output system design to operate on wide verity of device including verity of device including terminal, disk, drive etc…

                        Here, all stream behave in the same way. The stream is an object follow by transferring data one place to another.
            Streams are classified into      1. Input Stream           2. Output Stream
            In a C++ stream is use to refer to the flow of data from particular device to the program variable.
            A stream is a series of bytes. It act either as a source from which input data can be extracted or as a destination to which the output data can be sent. The source stream provide data to the program call the input stream. And the destination stream that receive data from the program call output stream.

            According to above diagram
                        The data in the input stream can come from the keyboard or any other storage device while the data in the output stream can go to the screen printer or any other storage device.

Que.    C++ Stream Class.
Ans.                 C++ provide the concept of object oriented programming paradigm and it support input output system of hierarchy of data manipulation. This classes are call as stream class.
                        The IOS is a the base class for istream and ostream. Which are in term base class for iostream. The IOS is declare as the virtual base class so that only one copy of its members are inherited in IOS stream. The class istream, ostream and iostream which design exclusive to manage the console device. Which are declare in the header file of iostream.h

Que.    Unformatted and Formatted input output operation.
Ans.     Unformatted:
                        The most commonly used object in C++ program are in cin and cout. The object cin and cout are predefine in their header file iostream.h. which support input and output of data of different types and this is achieved by overloading operators >> and <<. The input expression or >> operator is overload in istream class. While output insertion or << operator is overloaded in ostream class.
            Following are functions of unformatted input output operation.
1.                  put()
2.                  get()
3.                  getline()
4.                  write()

1.         put() : This function is member function of ostream class. It is used to output a line of text  character by character.
                        Syntax : void put(char *)
According to above syntax it display a value of char type variable. It is also possible to use  no. as an arguments. It wll consider the ascii code of specific argument given with put() function. It
can be access by it’s object.
2.         get() :   This function is the member function of input stream class. It is used to read a single  character from the input device. It has different version of syntax.
                        Syntax : void get(char *)
                                    According to above syntax get(char *) it assign the input char to its argument. Which
get(void) used to return the input character. both the syntax can fetch which space character
including the blank space, tab and newline character. It can be invoke by their object using(.) operator.

Unformatted IO Operation :

The C++ stream class provide a way to read and display a line of text officially using getline() function and write() function. getline() function normally to input a line of text or any data that use stream object cin but the limitation of cin is that it can not read a string after white space. It means I till truncate a part after the white space. To prevent such a problem getline() function is use to read whole line of text end with newline or until the maximum limit is reached.

Write() : The write function is used to display an entire line on the screen. The write function can be invoke aby using the cout object. It display does not stop even when the NULL character is encounter.

Formatted console Input Output Operation :
The C++ input-output system allow formatted IO operation like, set a field width, specified a number base or determine how many digit after the decimal point will be display. C++ support a wide verity of features to perform input or output in different terms. Formatted input output operation can be achieve using IOS stream class member function and flag, using standard manipulator or using user define manipulator.
Following are some IOS class functions and flags :
1.                  width()
2.                  precision()
3.                  fill()
4.                  setf()
5.                  unset()
width()  : when a value is input it occupies only as much space as the number of character it take to  display it. The width() function which is a member function of IOS class. is used to define the field to be use at time to display the output.
precision() : when output in a floating point value than the number of digit to be display after all decimal point can be specified use using it by default int specify six(6) digit after the decimal point. The function precision() is the member function of IOS class and it is use to specify the number of digit to be display after the decimal point.
fill() :   The fill() function is the member function of IOS class and it is use to specify the character to be display in unused portion of the display width.
setf() : The function width() is use to specify the format to print data. C++ provide a mechanism to set the printing result in left justified right justified scientific notation etc… the member function of IOS class setf() is use to set flags an bit fields that control the output.

Following is a table which show the flag value and bit field.

Flag value
Bit field
Left justified output
Ios::add justified
Right justified output
Ios::add justified
Padding between the sign or base indigation and the number.
Decimal conversion
Octal conversion.
Hexadecimal convertion
Use ecponential floating notation.
Use ordinary floating notation.

Some of the flag they do not have bit field are listed below.
Flag value
Use base indigation or output
Display ‘+’ to positive number
Include decinal point with zero in output
Specify uppercase for hexadecimal output

unsetf() : The flag can be reset by using ios::unsetf() member function. this function can be invoke by the cout object.

Manipulators: The another way to alter the format of the parameter of string using a special function call manipulators. That can be included in an input output expression. The manipulators are function that can be use with << left shift operator and >> right shift operator to alter the behaviour of any stream class. all the predefine manipulators are define in the header file of iomanip.h. They provide a same features as the ios member function and flag. Manipulators are more convenient to use there can be more than one manipulators in a statement and used as a chain in one statement. The manipulators are categorized in following two category:
1.                  non parameterize manipulator.
2.                  parameterize manipulator.

Following are a list of some non-parameterize manipulators:
Dec:     set the conversion base to 10.
Hex:    set the conversion base to 16.
Oct:     set the conversion base to 8.
Endl:   output in a new line.
Ends:   output with a NULL character.
Flush:  clear the buffer stream.

Following are a list of some parameterize manipulators:
Setw(int width):          set the field width.
Setprecision(int p):      set the floating point precision.
setfill(int char):            set the fill character.
Setbase(int base):        set the conversion base 8,10 or 16.

User Define Manipulator: C++ input-output system is customize by creation user define manipulators. The C++ stream has a feature to work well which the user define manipulators as work with build in manipulators. The C++ stream has a feature to work well which the user define manipulators. The user can also design their customize manipulators to control the appearance of the output.