Prepared By : Uday Shah - HOD(IT)
Mobile No : 7600044051
E-Mail : rupareleducation@gmail.com
Object Oriented Programming Using C++
1. To
perform the write operator on output device, c++ uses.
Ans : bit wise left-shift
2. Which keyword is used to perform the write
operation in c++.
Ans : cout
3. ________
is derived data type.
Ans : Array
4. Symbol of scope resolution operator is.
Ans : ::
5. inline
function we can use loop and nesting of if, statement is.
Ans : False
6. Function
with constant argument, argument is declared as constant with _____keyword.
Ans : Const
7. Which
of the member can be access outside the body of the class.
Ans : public
8. object of the same class can be passed to
the member function of the class by.
Ans : Reference
9. ____ is the member function which will be
executed last, when the object is created.
Ans : Destructor
10. Constructor must be explicitly invoked - the
statement is.
Ans : False
11. A unary operator member function takes ____
Ans : zero
12. Which of the following operator can not be
Ans : sizeof()
, ternary
13. When a class is derived from another derived
class then it is called ______.
Ans : Single Inheritance
14. Which
of the following is true in inheritance, when the object of the derived class
is created.
Ans : First the derived class is
15. A virtual function with null body is
Ans : Purer Virtual Function
16. If instance of a class can be created then
such class is called.
Ans : Class
or Simple Class
17. ___ ios flag is used to print the decimal
point and tralling zero.
Ans : showbase
18. getline()
is the function defined in ____ class.
Ans : istream
19. ____ mode is used to over write the file.
Ans : app (Append)
20. In function template the function will be
created at the time of.
Ans : some time at compile time and some
time at execution time
21. Which
mechanism associates the code and data into a single unit and keeps them safe
from external interference and misuse.
Ans : Encapsulation
22. in C
++ Main Function always return.
Ans : integer
23. ____operator
is used to release memory dynamically.
Ans : Delete
24. break
statement will terminate the.
Ans : loop
25. main()
function consist ____ number of arguments.
Ans : Two
26. inline function is used when function having
large body. Statement is.
Ans : False
27. A function which can access the private
member function outside the body of the class with the class with the help of
object is called.
Ans : Friend Function
28. ___is the first member function which will be
executed first, when the object is created.
Ans : Constructor
29. Which
of the following is true for destructor.
Ans : It may be declared under public
30. A
binary operator member function takes___ parameters.
Ans : one
31. Overload operator member function can never
have default arguments? the statement is.
Ans : True
32. During dynamic
memory allocation in CPP, new operator returns _________ value if memory
allocation is unsuccessful.
Ans : NULL
33. A
class become the base class for more then two derived class then it is
Ans : Hierarchical inheritance
34. Which symbol is used to declare a pointer
Ans : *
35. General syntax of this pointer is.
Ans : extern classname *this
36. ___ios
flag is used to print base of the numeric data.
Ans : Showbase
37. ___manipulator
is put the \0 at the end of output stream.
Ans : ends
38. seekg
(-n, ios::cur) moves the cursor.
Ans : nth
byte backward from the current position
39. Which
of the following is invalid in template.
a) test <double, 6>5>; b)
c) a & b both are valid d)
None of these
40. Full form
of AOP.
Ans : Aspect Oriented
41. Creator of c++.
Ans : Bjarne
42. c++
identifier is also known as.
Ans : keywords and variable
43. pick out non parameterized manipulator.
Ans : setw
44. Function prototype is only declared for
Ans : compiler
45. main() function consist _____ number of arguments.
Ans : int
46. Member
function define out side the body of the class is by default becomes.
a) inline b)
outline c) friend d) None
47. A Pointer, which can point to any member of
the class can created, the statement is.
Ans : true
48. A constructor without any parameter is
Ans : Default
49. The operator which operates on three operand
is called ____.
Ans : Ternary Operator
50. Which of the following operator can not be
overloaded with friend function.
Ans : =
Assignment , () Function call
, [] Subscript
51. Which of the following is not the visibility
Ans : virtual
52. Derived class also referred as.
Ans : child class and sub class
53. ____ pointer will be create when the member
functions is invoked through the object.
Ans : This
54. If instance of a class can not be created
then such class is called. Ans : Abstract
55. To flushes all the stream ____ ios flag
Ans : stdio
56. _____ ios flag is used to print the sign before the fill character.
Ans : left
57. tellg() is the member function of _____
Ans : ifstream
58. pick
out non parameterized manipulator.
Ans : setw
59. Function
prototype is only declared for
Ans : compiler
60. main()
function consist _____ number of arguments.
Ans : char ** envp
61. Member function define out side the body of
the class is by default becomes.
Ans : Outline
62. Can constructors be overloaded?
Ans : Yes
Ans : Yes
63. When overloading unary operators using
Friend function,it requires_____ argument/s.
Ans : One
Ans : One
64. In CPP program, Can we declare and define a
user defined function inside a struct as we do in a class ?
Ans : Yes
Ans : Yes
65. Runtime polymorphism is achieved only when a virtual function
is accessed through a pointer to the base class.
Ans : True
Ans : True
66. Assigning one or more function body to the same name is
called ____________ .
Ans : Function Overloading
67. Function overloading can also be achieved if two or more
functions differ only in their return types.
Ans : False
68. A
function can be declared as friend maximum only in two classes.
Ans : False
69. When a child class inherits traits from more than one parent
class, this type of inheritance is called _______________ inheritance.
Ans : Multiple.
70. __________________ is the OOP feature and mechanism
that binds together code and the data it manipulates, and keep both safe from
outside world.
Ans : Data Encapsulation
71. We can create objects of the abstract class.
Ans : False
72. Which of the followings are true about Virtual functions?
They must
be non-static member function of the class
Ans : They cannot
be friends
Functions cannot be virtual
73. If a class
contains static variable, then every object of the class has its copy of static
Ans : False
74. In Multipath
inheritance, in order to remove duplicate set of records in child class, we
___________ .
Ans : Make base class as virtual base class
75. If base class has constructor with arguments, then it
is ________________ for the derived class to have constructor and pass the
arguments to base class constructor.
Ans : Mandatory
76. An operator function is created using _____________ keyword.
Ans : Operator
77. Classes in CPP are________ .
Ans : User defined data types
78. Can we define our exceptions in CPP?
Ans : Yes
79. The code of
statements which may cause abnormal termination of the program should be
written under_________ block.
Ans : Try
80. When a
virtual function is redefined by the derived class, it is called___________.
Ans : Overriding
81. In any ways, Non-member function cannot have access to the
private data of the class.
Ans : False
82. In CPP, dynamic
memory allocation is done using ______________ operator.
Ans : New
83. Can we
allocate memory for the objects dynamically in CPP?
Ans : Yes
84. If the
derived class is struct, then default visibility mode is _______ .
Ans : Public
85. ___________
header file is used for manipulators.
Ans : iomanip.h
86. const member function does not allow to modify/alter value of
any data member of the class.
Ans : True
87. Can struct be
used as Base class for inheritance ?
Ans : Yes
88. Is it
possible to define a constructor with default arguments?
Ans : Yes
89. The purpose
of explicit keyword is to tell the compiler that a certain constructor may not
be used to implicitly cast an expression to its class type.
Ans : True
90. Scope
resolution operator is used______ .
Ans : to
resolve scope of global variables as well as functions of the classes
91. A try block can
be nested under another try block.
Ans : True
92. We can
prevent a function from throwing any exceptions.
Ans : True
93. Functions
called from within a try block may also throw exception.
Ans : True
94. The explicit
keyword is an optional decoration for the constructors that takes
Ans : One
95. A class can
contain objects of other classes and this phenomenon is called_________ .
Ans : Containership
96. Can we alter/modify the values of data members of a class
inside const member function?
Ans : Yes
97. If a class
contains pure virtual function, then it is termed as____________________ .
Ans : Abstract Class
98. If inner catch handler is not able to handle the
exception then__________ .
Ans : Compiler will check for appropriate catch handler of outer
try block
99. In CPP program, Can we declare and define a user defined
function inside a struct as we do in a class ?
Ans : Yes
100. ____________
refers to the act of representing only essential features without including the
background details.
Ans : Data Abstraction
101. Generic pointers
can be declared with__________ .
Ans : Void
102. A
Constructor that does not have any parameters is called____________
Ans : Default
103. _______________
is a member function that is declared within a base class and redefined by
derived class.
Ans : Virtual Function
104. Syntax
for Pure Virtual Function is ______________ .
Ans : virtual void show()=0
105. Logical
expressions produce ____________ type results.
Ans : Bool
106. A
friend function does not have 'this' pointer associated with it.
107. In CPP,
it is mandatory and must to initialize const variables.
Ans : True
108. A virtual
function that has no definition within the base class is called____________.
Ans : Pure virtual function
109. Constant
variables can be created in CPP by using ________ .
Ans : Enum ,
Const , #define
110. In CPP,
cin and cout are the predefined stream __________ .
Ans : Objects
111. _________________are
used for generic programming.
Ans : Templates
Best Of Luck
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