Saturday, May 27, 2023

How to Convert Flutter app in Android and IOS


To convert a Flutter app into an Android and iOS app, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up Android and iOS development environments

- For Android:

  - Install Android Studio from the official website (

  - Open Android Studio and set up the necessary SDKs and virtual devices (emulators) if not already done.

- For iOS:

  - On macOS, ensure you have Xcode installed from the App Store.

  - Open Xcode and install any additional components or simulators if prompted.

Step 2: Configure Flutter for Android and iOS

- Open your Flutter project in Visual Studio Code or any other text editor.

- Locate the `pubspec.yaml` file in the root directory of your Flutter project.

- Add the necessary dependencies for Android and iOS under the `dependencies` section. For example:




      sdk: flutter

    # Add Android specific dependencies

    android_intent: ^2.0.0

    # Add iOS specific dependencies

    device_info_plus: ^3.0.0


  Make sure to choose the appropriate packages based on your app's requirements.

- Save the `pubspec.yaml` file.

Step 3: Build the Android app

- Open a terminal in your Flutter project directory.

- Run the following command to build the Android app:

  flutter build apk

  This command compiles the Flutter code into an APK (Android Package) file that can be installed on Android devices.

- Once the build process completes, the generated APK file can be found in the `build/app/outputs/flutter-apk` directory within your Flutter project.

Step 4: Build the iOS app

- Open a terminal in your Flutter project directory.

- Run the following command to build the iOS app:


  flutter build ios

  This command compiles the Flutter code into an iOS app bundle.

- Once the build process completes, the generated app bundle can be found in the `build/ios/iphoneos` directory within your Flutter project.

Step 5: Test the Android and iOS apps

- For Android:

  - Connect an Android device to your computer or start an Android emulator.

  - Install the generated APK file on the device by running the following command:


    flutter install


- For iOS:

  - Connect an iOS device to your computer or start an iOS simulator.

  - Open the generated app bundle using Xcode by running the following command:


    open ios/Runner.xcworkspace


  - In Xcode, select your device or simulator from the device menu and click the "Run" button.

That's it! You have successfully converted your Flutter app into Android and iOS apps. You can distribute the generated APK file for Android and the app bundle for iOS to install them on devices or submit them to the respective app stores for publishing.