Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Normal import and Static Import in Java for IMCA,BCA,MCA and all IT Students

Prepared By : Uday Shah - (HOD-IT)
Mobile No : 7600044051



We can use an import statement to import classes and interface of a particular package. Whenever we are using import statement it is not required to use the fully qualified name and we can use short name directly. We can use static import to import static member from a particular class and package. Whenever we are using static import it is not required to use the class name to access static member and we can use directly.

Static Import :

      Static import is new feature introduced in java.

      In java, with the help of static import, we can access the static members of a class directly without class name or any object.

      Static packages must be import by using static keyword.

      According to Sun Microsystem, it will improve the code readability and enhance coding, but according to the programming experts, it will create too much confusion and not good for programming.

      If there is no requirement we should not go for static import.

      If user wants to access any static member of class then less coding is required.

      Static import makes the program unreadable and unmaintainable if you are reusing this feature.


      Following is a simple example to use static imports:

// System class without Class name

import static java.lang.Math.*;

import static java.lang.System.*;

class A


          public static void main(String[] args)


                   // We are calling static member of System class

                   // directly without System class name


                   out.println(pow(2, 2));




Output : -




According to above example we import two static packages :

1.   import static java.lang.Math.*;

2.   import static java.lang.System.*;

Using this static imports we can directly call methods of static class in java such as sqrt, pow, abs etc are methods of static class Math and out.print is method of static class System.

Normal Import :

      We can use an import statement to import classes and interface of particular package.

      To access  a class or method from another packages, we need to use the fully qualified name or we can use import statement it is known as normal import.

      In java, the ‘java.lang’ package is default package, which automatically imported into our code by java.

      Following are some normal import packages list :

      Import java.util.*;


      Import java.awt.*;

      Import java.text.*; and etc.

      Following is a simple example to use normal imports :

import java.util.*;

class A


          public static void main(String args[])


                   Scanner s = new Scanner(;

System.out.print(“Enter No = ”);

Int no = s.nextInt();

System.out.print(“Number is  = ”+no);



According to above example import java.util.*; is a one type of normal import.