Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Angular MCQ for IMCA,BCA,MCA and All IT Students.

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)

Contact : 7600044051 


Angular MCQ


1.     AngularJS is a ____

·        Java framework

·        JavaScript framework

·        HTML framework

·        SQL framework


2.     AngularJS is perfect for?

·        MPAs

·        DPAs

·        CPAs

·        SPAs


3.     Among the following, on which architectural pattern is AngularJS based?

·        Decorator pattern

·        Observer pattern

·        MVVM architecture pattern

·        MVC architecture pattern


4.     State whether true or false:  AngularJS provides reusable components

·        True

·        False


5.     Choose the correct syntax for writing AngularJS expression.

·        [expression]

·        {{expressions}}

·        {{{expressions}}}

·        {expressions}


6.     Choose the reactor which is used to bind the application data to the HTML view in AngularJS.

·        ng-bind directive

·        ng-model directive

·        ng-init directive

·        ng-app directive


7.     Choose the correct statement about the lowercase filter.

·        it is a function that takes text as input

·        the lowercase filter converts a text to lowercase text

·        both a and b

·        none of the above


8.     Choose the advantage of Angular JS among the following.

·        it provides reusable components

·        it uses dependency injection and makes use of separation of concerns

·        it is unit-testable

·        all of the above


9.     The functionality of angular controllers in the application is

·        an angular controller is used for displaying the data

·        an angular controller is used for controlling the data

·        both a and b

·        None of the above



10.   The syntax used to create a module in AngularJS is:

·        module(“app”,[])

·        var myModule=angular.module();

·        var myModule = new Module();

·        None of the above


11.  Choose the incorrect AngularJS filter.

·        orderby

·        email

·        currency

·        lowercase 


12.  Who is the father of AngularJS?

·        Misko Hevery

·        Brad Green

·        Mike Adams

·        Adam a bronze


13.   Choose the directive which is used to find the values of HTML controls to application data.

·        ng-model

·        ng-init

·        ng-app

·        ng-hide


14.   Choose whether true or false:  Angular JS is completely based on HTML and JavaScript.

·        True

·        False


15.  Module created by using AngularJS function is known as

·        module()

·        mod()

·        Angular module()

·        mdl()


16.   The total $RootScope an AngularJS application can have is?

·        0

·        1

·        2

·        3


17.   Which of the following components is the one which can be injected as a dependency in Angular JS?

·        Factory

·        Constant

·        Application module

·        Value


18.   Choose the correct definition of deep thinking in AngularJS

·        Deep linking refers to Linking various views to the main page

·        Deep linking allows you to encode the state of an application in the URL so that it can be bookmarked

·        Deep linking is an SEO based technique

·        all of the above


19.  Among the following which can be used to write AngularJS directives

·        Attribute

·        class name

·        Tag

·        all of the above


20.  State whether true or false: $routeprovider is a module.

·        True

·        False


21.   State whether true or false: $https Services used to make an Ajax call to the server.

·        True

·        False


22.  AOT stands for ________

·        Angular Object Templates

·        Ahead of Time compilation

·        Both a and b

·        None of the above


23.  Choose the incorrect hook application lifecycle.

·        noOnInit

·        ngViewStart

·        ngOnChanges

·        None of the above


24.   The router is a part of which of the following given models?

·        @angular/router

·        @angular/core

·        Both a and b

·        None of the above


25.  What can RxJS be used for?

·        Server-side

·        Browser

·        Both a and b

·        None of the above


26.  Which decorator is used for configuring model class

·        @NgApp

·        @NgModule

·        Both a and b are correct

·        None of the above


27.  Choose the functionality of.angular-cli.json  among the following.

·        used to configure angular 2 project

·        used to install required  project packages

·        used to link external files

·        None of the above


28.   Among the following choose the one which is responsible for the startup of the angular 2 projects.

·        app.ts

·        main.ts

·        index.js

·        angular.cli.json


29.  How is interpolation in angular 2 done?

·        {{{}}}

·        {{}}

·        {{|var}}

·        !!!!


30.  Choose the filter which is used to convert the input to all uppercase

·        toUpper

·        upper

·        uppercase

·        None of the above


31.   To detect changes in the angular 2 project which of the following is used?

·        zone.js

·        scope.js

·        zones.js

·        zone$,js


32.  Which of the following is not a feature of angular 2?

·        Typescript

·        multi-thread

·        Components

·        services


33.   Which of the following is used to retrieve a list of items from a server’s URL?

·        Using the http get method

·        using an HTTP package

·        create a get SQL  statement

·        create a URL transaction


34.  Choose the correct definition of routerOutlet.

·        A decorator defines the template to display when a route is activated

·        a directive defined in the HTML indicating where the route’s view should display

·        A directive defined in the HTML identifying the route to activate

·        A property of component class used to activate a route


35.  Which of the following can be used as a prefix for directive?

·        ng-

·        data-

·        Both a and b

·        None of the above


36.  Choose the correct definition of the view in MVC.

·        View is responsible for displaying all or a portion of data to the user

·        View is responsible to act and process the data

·        View represents the database view

·        none of the above


37.   On which of the types of components can a custom derivative be created?

·        Attribute

·        element directives

·        CSS

·        All of the above


38.   Choose whether true or false:  AngularJS bootstrap itself during the config phase.

·        True

·        False


39.   Choose whether true or false: -ng-bind binding Angular JS application data to HTML tags.

·        True

·        False


40.  Among the following which is not built-in a pipe in angular?

·        CurrencyPipe

·        DataPipe

·        PercentPipe

·        none of the above


41.  Choose the valid AngularJS expression.

·        {(2+2)}

·        {2+2}

·        {{2+2}}

·        ((2+2))


42.  Which decorator is used to make a class a service?

·        Injectable

·        Component

·        Server

·        injector


43.  What is the functionality of the @output decorator?

·        Add OptionShare data from child component to parent1

·        use a service

·        use event  binding

·        share data from the parent component to a child


44.  Choose whether true or false: We can apply multiple structural directives to a host element.

·        True

·        False


45.  Which function is used to import RouterModule in a feature module?

·        forRoot()

·        forModule()

·        forFeature()

·        forChild()


46.   Most used CSS frameworks are ________

·        SASS

·        Semantic UI

·        Bootstrap

·        Foundation


47.  AngularJS was developed by which company?

·        Facebook

·        Google

·        Angular

·        Netflix


48.  What is the functionality of the @input decorator

·        Share data from child component to parent

·        use a service

·        use event  binding

·        share data from parent component to child


49.  Choose the definition of transpilers.

·        Converts source to the library

·        Convert source to source and then to the library

·        source to source compiler

·        all of the above


50.  Angular CLI stands for ____________

·        Angular command-line interceptor

·        Angular command line

·        Angular command-line interface

·         Angular command-line user interfaces




Answer Sheet


1.      B

2.      D

3.      C

4.      A

5.      B

6.      A

7.      B

8.      D

9.      B

10. A

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. A

15. B

16. B

17. C

18. B

19. D

20. B

21. A

22. B

23. B

24. A

25. C

26. B

27. A

28. B

29. B

30. C

31. A

32. B

33. D

34. B

35. C

36. A

37. D

38. A

39. A

40. B

41. C

42. A

43. A

44. B

45. D

46. C

47. B

48. D

49. C

50. C