Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Core Java and Advance Java One Mark Question for B.C.A., M.C.A. and all IT Studetns

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)
Contact No : 7600044051
E-Mail : rupareleducation@gmail.com

Core Java and Advance Java One Mark Question 

1. java programs are
Ans:  Platform independent

2. Java has its origin in
Ans: Oak programming language

3. Which one of the following is true for Java 
Ans: Java is object oriented and interpreted

4. The command javac is used to 
Ans: compile a java program

5. Java servlets are an efficient and powerful solution for creating ………….. for the web. 
Ans: Dynamic content

6. Filters were officially introduced in the Servlet …………specification. 
Ans: 2.1

7. Which is the root class of all AWT events 
Ans: java.awt.AWTEvent

8. OOP features are 
i) Increasing productivity                  ii) Reusability
iii) Decreasing maintenance cost       iv) High vulnerability
Ans: 1,2 & 3

9. break statement is used to 
i) get out of method       ii) end aprogram
iii) get out of a loop       iv) get out of the system
Ans: 3

10. Native – protocol pure Java converts ……….. into the ………… used by DBMSs directly. 
Ans: JDBC calls, network protocol

11. The JDBC-ODBC bridge allows ……….. to be used as ……….. 
Ans: ODBC drivers, JDBC drivers

12. Which of the following is true about Java. 
Ans: Java does not support overloading.
Java has replaced the destructor function of C++
There are no header files in Java.

13. ……………. are not machine instructions and therefore, Java interpreter generates machine code that can be directly executed by the machine that is running the Java program. 
Ans: byte code

14. The command javac 
Ans: Converts a java program into bytecode

15. Which of the following is not the java primitive type 
Ans: Long double

16. Command to execute compiled java program is 
A) java

17. Java Servlet 
Ans: is key component of server side java development 

18. Inner classes are 
Ans: nested classes

19. How many times does the following code segment execute 
int x=1, y=10, z=1;
do{y–; x++; y-=2; y=z; z++} while (y>1 && z<10);
Ans: 1

20. State weather the following statement is true or false for EJB. 
1. EJB exists in the middle-tier
2. EJB specifies an execution environment
3. EJB supports transaction processing
A) 1-true, 2. true, 3. true
B) 1- true, 2. false, 3. true
C) 1- false, 2- false, 3- false
D) 1-true, 2-true, 3-false

21. All java classes are derived from 
Ans: java.lang.Object

22. The jdb is used to 
Ans: Debug a java program

23. Which method will a web browser call on a new applet? 
Ans: init method

24. Which of the following is not mandatory in variable declaration? 
C) an assignment

25. When a program class implements an interface, it must provide behavior for 
Ans: all methods defined in that interface

26. In order to run JSP  is required. 
Ans: Java Web Server

27. Prepared Statement object in JDBC used to execute queries. 
Ans: Parameterized
28. In Java variables, if first increment of the variable takes place and then the assignment occurs. This operation is also called 
Ans: pre increment

29. When the operators are having the same priority, they are evaluated from in the order they appear in the expression. 
B) left to right

30. In java, can only test for equality, where as can evaluate any type of the Boolean expression. 
Ans: switch, if

31. The  looks only for a match between the value of the expression and one of its case constants. 
Ans: switch

32. System.in.read() is being used, the program must specify the clause. 
Ans: throws.java.io.IOException

33. By using  you can force immediate termination of a loop, by passing the conditional expression and any remaining code in the body of the loop. 

34. The out object is an object encapsulated inside the  class, and represents the standard output device. 
Ans: system

35. The third type of comment is used by a tool called for automatic generation of documentation. 
Ans: Java doc

36. The compiled java program can run on any plateform having Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on it. 
C) hardware
37. Preparedstatement Object in JDBC is used to execute queries. 
Ans: parameterized

38. In JDBC imports all Java classes concerned with database connectivity. 
Ans: java.sql.*

39. MS-SQL stores data in a file format. 
Ans: .DAT

40. Ingres is a
Ans: Database

50. In Java servlet method init( ) is called  times. 
Ans: 1

51. A method name myMethod( ) that needs two integer arguments is declared as 
Ans: public void myMethod(int a, int b);

52. JSP embeds in  in
Ans: Java, HTML

53. The class at the top of exception class hierarchy is
Ans: Throwable

54. In a java program, package declaration  import statements. 
Ans: must precede

55. The class string belongs to package. 
Ans: java.lang

56. package is used by compiler itself. So it does not need to be imported for use. 
Ans: java.lang

57. The and classes are abstract classes that support reading and writing of byte streams. 
Ans: inputstream, outputstream

58. What is the error in the following code? 
class Test
abstract void display( );
Ans: Test class should be declared as abstract

59. A package is a collection of 
Ans: classes and interfaces

60. Which of the following methods belong to the string class? 
A) length( )
B) compare To ( )
C) equals ( )
D) All of them

61. Which of the following control expressions are valid for an if statement? 
Ans: A Boolean expression

62. The concept of multiple inheritance is implemented in Java by 
Ans: extending one class and implementing one or more interfaces
implementing two or more interfaces

63. Which of the following do not represent legal flow control statements? 
Ans: exit();

64. Data input is 
Ans: an interface that defines methods to read primitive data types.
65. Using which keyword we can access value of the instance variables and class variables of that class inside the method of that class itself. 
 Ans: this

66. If a variable is declared final, it must include value. 
Ans: initial

67. In java, string is a
Ans: abstract data type

68. Each method in a java class must have a unique name . 
 Ans: Not necessary

69. It is important feature of java that it always provides a default constructor to a class. 
Ans: True

70. .................. is the key to ………………….
Ans:Serialization, persistence

71. Java programs perform I/O through
Ans: I/O package

72. What is byte code in the context of Java? 
Ans: The type of code generated by a Java compiler

73. The new operator dynamically allocates for an object and returns a reference to it.
Ans: memory

74. What is the priority of the Garbage collector thread of jdk?
Ans: Low Priority

75. is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions.
Ans: Polymorphism

76. The default package that is implicitly called in a java program is
A) java.Lang

77. What is the file extension of compiled java program?
 Ans: .class

78. keyword is used to invoke the current object.
Ans: This

79. Which of the function is used to convert string to Number in java program?
Ans: valueOf()

80. What are the part in executing a Java program and their purposes?
Ans: Java Compiler

81. Method overloading is one of the way that Java supports
D) polymorphism

82. Java support RMI. What does this RMI stands for?
Ans: Remote Method Invocation

83. Which of the following represent legal flow control statements?
Ans: break;

84. The keywords reserved but used in the initial version of Java are
Ans: union

85. What is the default return type of main() ..
Ans: int

86. A java program is first ……………… and ……………………
Ans: compiled, run

87. Byte code is also a ………
Ans: machine code

88. A private class is accessible from inside a
 Ans: package

86. Adapter classes are used for ……….
Ans: code redundancy

87. …………….. is generated if a button is clicked in AWT.
Ans: ActionEvent

88. Using which keyword we can access value of the instance and class variables of that class inside the method of that class itself.
Ans: super or  this

89. If a variable is declared FINAL, it must include  value.
 Ans: integer

90. In java, string is a
 Ans: primitive data type

91. Methods can be overloaded with a difference only in the type of the return value
Ans: False

92. Each method in a java class must have a unique name
Ans: Not necessarily

93. Life cycle of an applet is described by methods.
Ans: five

94. In java RMI, stub is located in
Ans: client machine

95. ODBC stands for
Ans: Open Database Connectivity

96 …………is passed to a method by use of call by reference.
Ans: Objects

97. Using the keyboard interface you can fully abstract a ……..
Ans: Class

98. Java is designed for  environment of the Internet.
Ans: Distributed

99. Variable declared as do not occupy on a per instance basis.
Ans: Final

100. The statement is used to terminate a statement sequence.
 A. Break

101. Multidimensional arrays are actually
Ans: Arrays of arrays

102. ………… is used for initialize the value to the string object.
Ans: String literals

103. Object is an  of class.
Ans: instance

104. One interface can inherit another by use of the keyword
Ans: extends

105.  must be the first non comment statement in the file
 Ans: package

106. The string is defined in name space.
 Ans:  java.Lang

107. A  object cannot be modified after it is created.
Ans: string

108 …………. is a special member function.
Ans: constructor

109. A  class may not have any abstract method.
Ans: final

110. ……….  is a small unit of process.
Ans: thread

111.  ………… is valid for if statement?
Ans: A Boolean expression

112  ……………… operators which concatenates two strings.
Ans: +

113.    ____ are instructions that are not for any specific cpu. instead they are designed to be interpreted by a JVM.
Ans: Byte Codes

114.    The advantage of such a design is that the ____ class specifies what functionality is provided but not how that functionality is provided.
Ans: Final

115.    To create an array of 7 integers which statement to write?
Ans: int a[]=new int [7];

116.    When an object is no longer referenced by any variable, it then becomes eligible for ________.
Ans: Garbage collection.

117.    What is the output of this program?
Ans: Compile time error.           

118.    ____ is shared by all objects of its class and thus relates to the class itself.
Ans: Global variable.

119.    Which method is used to perform some actions when the object is to be destroyed?
Ans: Finalize()

120.    When an array element is accessed beyond the array size,___ exception is thrown.

Ans: ArrayIntexOutOfBoundsException

121.   A method implementation of an interface must be declared as _____.
Ans: public

122.       A class can extend ____ class and can implement _____ interface.
Ans:  One class and more one than interface.

123.       When a method can throw an Exception then it is specified by ____
Ans: throws

124.       To create our own Exception class, we have to write ____.
Ans: Create our own try and catch block.

125.       From the following methods which method cannot cause a thread to go into a blocked state?
 Ans: Sleep()

126.         When a method is used by two threads,then is should be declared by
____ keyword.
 Ans: synchronize

127.       When a method has same name and same type signature as a method in super class, then this method is said to be _____.
 Ans: Overridden

128.       Which method wake up the first thread that called wait() on same object?
  Ans: Notify()

129.       What is vector class?
  Ans: Is collection on different data types same object.         

130.     Which interface must be implementing when using scrollbar in
  Ans: AdjustmentListener

131.     Sometimes we want to pass information into a program when we run it, which is done by passing ___ to main().
  Ans: Command line argument.

132.      ____ is used to indicate that no further alterations can be made.
  Ans: final

133.     When a member is declared as a, ___ is cab be accessed before any object of its class are created, and without reference to any object.
  Ans: static

134.     which method will cause a JFrame to display?
 Ans: setVisible()

135.     How do you change the current layout manager for a container which
method is used? 
  Ans: setLayout method.

136.     The (0,0) co-ordinates of Applet window is located at____
  Ans: At the upper-left corner of the applet,     

137.     Syntax of replace() of string class is ___
  Ans: Str.replace(str1,str2)

138.     Which methods is used to delete more then one character from string?
  Ans: deleteCharAt()

139.     The ____ contains all the graphics methods, all then windowing methods, and the components needed to create user interfaces.
  Ans: Java.awt package

140.   Syntax of drawstring in Applet.
   Ans: g.drawString(int x,int y,String)

141.    ____ occurs when a class declares a method that has the same type signature as a method declared by one of its super classes.
Ans: Method Overriding.

142.    What is class?
Ans:  Class is a collection of different method and variable.

143.    Syntax of delete() method is StringBuffer class.
Ans: Delete(char ch)

144.    What is the output of this program?
Ans:  Compile time error.          

145.    To find the value associated with the specified key ___ method is used.
Ans:  getValue(object key)

146.   If another thread attempts to execute a ____ static method for that same class,the JVM automatically causes that thread to wait until the first thread relinquishes the lock.
Ans: Synchronized

147.    AdjestmentListener interface defines the ___ method that is invoked when an adjustment event occurs.
Ans: adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) 

148.    Write constructor for JFrame.
Ans: JFrame(String title)

149.    The ___ class allows you to write programs that can seek to any location in a file read or write data at that point.
Ans: Random access file.

150.    Which layout manager allows placing components one after another as well one on top of another?
Ans: Card Layout

151.    In event handling, sometimes we need only one or some methods of the interface in that case ___ are the best solution.
Ans: Adapter class

152     The ____ method is called when your applet is to be terminated and needs to be removed from the memory. 
Ans: Destroy()

153.   Java is an ______ language.
Ans: Object oriented, multi thread programming         

154.   Java was developed by.
Ans: Sun Microsystems         

155.   Java is designed to the basis of _______ keys.
Ans: powerful programming language

156.   Java development environment there are ______ parts.
Ans: Java Interpreter

157.   The Compiler _________.
Ans: Execute java program

158.   The Interpreter ________.
Ans: Generates Byte Code

159.   Java enables the creations of ______ programs.
Ans: cross-platform, right-platform

160.   RMI Stand for ____________.
Ans: Remote Method Invocation

161.   In java de-allocations happens_____.
Ans: Automatically

162.   Class inherits from the ______.
Ans: Object

163.   Object class is the ________ of all the class in the java class hierarchy.
Ans:  Subclass

164.   How many types of method declare in java?
Ans: 3

165.   Overloading Method demonstrate the concept of ________
Ans:  Polymorphism

166.   What is the argument type of Program's main() method
Ans: String Array

167.   What is the primitive data type.
Ans:  Byte,Short

168.   Which cast must be used to convert a large value into smaller one.
 Ans: Explicit

169.   You would use the ______ operator to create a single in stance of a named class.
Ans: new

170.   Which of the following  classes is used to perform basis consol I/O.
Ans: System

171.   ____ is the processing of calling the f unction from the function itself.
Ans: Recursion

172.   ______ applies only when inheritance is involved.
Ans:  Protected 

Best Of Luck 

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