Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Android One Mark Question And Answer for B.C.A.,M.C.A. and all IT Students

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD-IT)
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Contact No : 7600044051

Android One Mark Question

1.      _________ Company owns the android. (Google)

2.      NFC stands for ___________.           (Near Field Communication)

3.      What is an Emulator?      Virtual Device

4.      What is the default location of  APK file.      Bin Folder

5.      .apk file stands for ___________.      Application Package File

6.      DDMS stands for ____________. (Delvik Debug Monitor Service)

7.      Which tag Creates TextView widget in UI?  <TextView> Tag

8.      Which layout organizes its children into a single horizontal or vertical row?  - Linear Layout

9.      Which view display web pages?         - Web View

10.  Which storage is not always available?           External

11.  By using which function we can  query the external storage state?  getExternalStorageState()

12.  GPS stands for _______.        Global Positing System

13.  Which is the key class in the google maps android API?      

14.  Most network connected Android apps are use which protocol to send and receive data? http

15.  What is ANR in android?       Application Not Responding

16.  What is the application class in android.       
The Application class in Android is the base class within an Android app that contains all other components such as activities and services.
17.  JSON stand for.          JavaScript Object Notation
18.  What is Model in MVC. 
The Model: this is where you should keep your data model, the algorithms.     

19.  Which is the IDE for iPhone application development?        XCode IDE

20.  A ______ is an application component that can perform long running operation in the background and does not provide a user interface.         Service.

21.  The _____ in XCode helps you manage the many images you will use for your app’s user Interface.       asset catalog

22.  Xcode Latest Version is available in __________ Free of charge. - Mac App Store  

23.   __________ describes the current interactive state of a control.      - Control State  
24.  Make Sure that you’re requesting all necessary ___________ ,  Otherwise your application doesn’t work - Permissions   

25.  You can Declare Service as a __________ in the manifest file and  block access from other application. -      Private    

26.  The onStartCommand() method must return as __________ -          Integer    

27.  IPC Stands for ____________           - Interprocess Communication 

28.  ANR Stands for _______________   - Application Not Responding 

29.  To preserve the navigation experience, you should start the activity in  a _________          - fresh task

30.  A simple notification has a ___________ important components. An Icon , Ticker text    , Pending Intent      

31.  Most network-connected Android apps use _______  to send and receive data. - HTTP    

32.   _______ Describe the status of a network interface of a given type. - NetworkInfo  

33.  The key class in the google maps Android API is______      - MapView      
34.  Binary Data is shared using the _____________ - ACTION_SEND   

35.  ___________ Method is used to query blank space. - FreeSpace()   

36.  ___________ view enables users to select a data of the day. - Datepicker   

37.  When the users selects a checkbox, the CheckBox object receives an ___________ event.   on-click   

38.  Android Architecture is combination of ____________.  Linux Kernal   , Libraries   ,  Application Framework   

39.  Android 2.2/2.2.1/2.2.2/2.2.3 is versions of __________ .    Froya                    

40.  Ice Cream Sandwich Contain API Level.       14

41.  AVD Stand for -         Android Virtual Device

42.  ___________ Company owns the Android. Google

43.  OHA stands for _________   Open Handset Alliances

44.  _______Intent Specify the component to start by name.       Explicit

45.  MCC Stands For Mobile Country Code.

46.  Java Files store under src Folder.        True

47.  APK file is found in ______________          bin

48.  __________ method is used to read from database.  query             

49.  _________ is used to send and receive data in Android Apps. HTTP        

50.  What is used to check the current status of voice call in Handset? getCallState() 

51.  __________ method is used to issue a notification. notify()

52.  _________ is the base class of all services. Service  

53.  JSON stands for__________             JavaScript Object Notation

54.  ________ is the IDE for iPhone app Development.   X – Code       

55.  ________ tells the current interactive state of a control. Control State       

56.  An activity can be shutdown by calling it’s __________ method     finish()

57.  Layouts in android? - Table Layout , Linear Layout  , Relative Layout etc

58.  Android Support which kind of screen densities?  lower density     , medium density , extra high density     
59.  _________ acquired Android in ___________ year. Google , 2005

60.  First smart phone running android was HTC dream

Best Of Luck 

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