I.M.C.A Semester – 3 Data Science Fundamentals With Python Unit – 4 |
Class Abstraction and Encapsulation
Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding
Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code into objects,
which are instances of classes.
Python is
an object-oriented programming language that fully supports OOP principles. In
Python, everything is an object, and you can create your own custom objects by
defining classes.
Lets break
down the key concepts of OOP in Python:
1. Class: A class is a blueprint or
a template for creating objects. It is a collection of member variables and
member functions which will accessed by an object.
In Python,
you can define a class using the class
2. Object: An object is an instance
of a class. You create objects based on the structure defined in the class.
object has its own set of attributes and can execute methods defined in the
class. but you can create a hierarchy of classes.
are variables that store data within an object. You can access and modify these
attributes using dot notation.
3. Inheritance:
Inheritance allows you to create a new class (subclass) that inherits
attributes and methods from an existing class (superclass or base class).
supports single inheritance, where a subclass can inherit from only one
promotes code reusability and allows you to extend or modify the behaviour of
existing classes without changing their code.
4. Encapsulation:
Encapsulation is the concept of bundling data (attributes) and the methods that
operate on that data into a single unit (a class).
It helps
to hide the internal implementation details of a class and only expose a
well-defined interface.
supports encapsulation through the use of private and protected attributes and
5. Polymorphism:
Polymorphism is a Latin word in which poly means many and morphism means forms,
so The word polymorphism means having many forms.
There are
two types of polymorphism which are
Compile-time polymorphism also called - (Method overloading)
Run-time polymorphism also called - (Method overriding).
6. Abstraction: Abstraction
is used to hide the internal functionality of the function from the users. The
users only interact with the basic implementation of the function, but inner
working is hidden. User is familiar with that "what function does" but
they dont know "how it
It helps
in managing the complexity of large software systems.
support for OOP makes it a powerful language for creating modular, reusable,
and maintainable code.
Python is
an object-oriented programming language that fully supports OOP principles. In
Python, everything is an object, and you can create your own custom objects by
defining classes.
A class is
a blueprint or a template for creating objects. It is like a template that
describes the structure and behaviour of objects that will be created based on
Class is a
collection of member variables and member functions which will accessed by an
In Python,
an object is a fundamental concept that represents a unique instance of a
are the building blocks of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python, and
they encapsulate both member variables and member methods within a single unit.
In Python,
you can define a class using the class
keyword. followed by the class name and a colon.
is a syntax to define class in python:
class MyClass:
#Member Variables
#Member Methods
to above syntax class is a keyword used to create a class in python.
MyClass is
a name of class, and than define (:) colon to separate the block of class in
Member Variables: Member
variables, also known as instance variables ,that are associated with objects
created from a class. Each object of a class has its own copy of these
variables, and they store data specific to that object.
variables are defined within the class and are accessed using the self keyword within methods of the
Member Methods: In Python,
member methods are also known as instance methods, which are functions defined
within a class and operates member variables and behaviour of objects created
from that class.
Following are some rules of defining name of
class in python:
names typically start with an uppercase letter by convention.
Class name
can not be any keywords name.
Class name
can not start with any number or special Character. we can use ( _ )
underscore with class name.
An Object
is an Instance of Class. It is created from a class, which serves as a
blueprint or template.
1. Attributes: Objects
have attributes, which are variables that store data specific to that instance.
These attributes can be accessed and modified through the object.
2. Methods: Objects can perform
actions or provide functionality through methods, which are functions defined
within the class and associated with instances of the class.
Following is an Example of Creating class for
class MyClass:
a =
print("Value of A = ",self.a + 10)
obj = MyClass()
print(“Member Variable = ”,obj.a)
Value of A = 20
Variable = 10
In Python,
objects are categorized into two main types based on whether their state (data)
can be changed after they are created that are:
Mutable objects.
Immutable Objects:
1. Immutable
objects are objects whose state cannot be modified once they are created.
Examples of immutable objects in Python include integers, floating-point
numbers, strings, tuples, and frozensets.
3. When
you try to modify an immutable object, Python creates a new object with the
updated value, leaving the original object unchanged.
Here is an example:
x = 5 # x
is an integer, which is immutable
y = x # y
now refers to the same integer object as x
Attempting to modify x
x = x +
1 # value of x = 6
of X = ”,x)
of Y = ”,y)
Value of X
= 6
Value of Y
= 5
Mutable Objects:
1. Mutable
objects are objects whose state can be modified after they are created.
Examples of mutable objects in Python include lists, dictionaries, sets, and
user-defined classes (if they allow changes to their attributes).
3. When
you modify a mutable object, you are directly altering the objects internal
state, and other variables referencing the same object will see the changes.
Here is an example:
list1 =
[1, 2, 3] # list1 is a mutable list
list2 =
list1 # list2 now refers to the same list object as
Modifying the list through list1
1 = ”,list1)
2 = ”,list2) # list2 reflects the changes made to list1
because they both refer to the same list object
List 1 =
List 2 =
the distinction between mutable and immutable objects is essential in Python,
as it affects how you work with data and objects in your code.
objects guarantee that their values won’t change unexpectedly,
objects allow you to modify their content directly.
Python is
high-level , Object Oriented Programming Language that supports all the
principals of OOP and data hiding is one the most important principal of OOPs.
hiding, often referred to as encapsulation, is a fundamental concept in
object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows you to restrict access to certain
attributes or methods of a class from the outside world.
concept helps ensure the integrity and security of data within objects and
promotes good coding practices by separating the implementation details from
the interface exposed to external code.
In Python,
data hiding fields are typically implemented using:
Naming conventions
Access control mechanisms.
Here is
how this fields works:
1) Naming Conventions:
In Python, there are naming conventions to
indicate the level of visibility for attributes and methods. These naming
conventions use underscores as prefixes:
A single underscore prefix: (e.g.,
_variable) indicates that the attribute or method is intended to be protected.
Its a signal to other programmers that this attribute should not be accessed
directly from outside the class, but its not enforced by the Python
interpreter. Its more of a convention and a hint for developers.
A double underscore prefix: (e.g.,
__variable) invokes name mangling. Python will rename the attribute with the
class name as a prefix, making it less accessible from outside the class.
However, its still technically possible to access the attribute with the
mangled name.
2) Access Control:
provides access control mechanisms through which you can control the visibility
of attributes and methods. Although Python does not enforce strict access
control like some other languages (e.g., Java), you can achieve data hiding by
using access control levels:
Attributes and methods without a prefix are considered public and can be
accessed from anywhere, both inside and outside the class.
2. Protected: Attributes and methods
with a single underscore prefix are considered protected, and by convention,
they should not be accessed from outside the class. However, they can still be
accessed if necessary.
Attributes and methods with a double underscore prefix are considered private.
Python applies name mangling to the name of the member. Name mangling
means that the name of the member is altered to include the class name as a
For example, if you have a class MyClass with a private variable
__my_private_var, the actual name becomes _MyClass__my_private_var. This makes
it more difficult to access the member from outside the class.
Heres an example to illustrate data hiding in
def __init__(self):
self.public_var = "Im a public
self._protected_var = "Im a
protected variable"
self.__private_var = "Im a private
return "Im a public
def _protected_method(self):
"Im a protected method"
return "Im a private method"
obj =
Im a public variable
Im a public method
Im a protected variable
Im a protected method
Im a private variable
Im a private method
Python is
a general purpose , high-level , Object Oriented Programing Language. It is
fully supports OOP principles. In Python, everything is an object, and you can
create your own custom objects by defining classes.
In python
class is a blueprint or template for creating object and it is a collection of
member variables and member function which will accessed by object.
abstraction and encapsulation are two fundamental concepts in object-oriented
programming (OOP) that help in designing and structuring classes in Python to create more organized, maintainable, and
secure code.
1. Class Abstraction:
is one of the basic building blocks of Object oriented programming.
abstraction and encapsulation are synonymous as data abstraction is achieved
through encapsulation.
is a process of hiding unnecessary data, and showing only relevant data to the
external world , in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.
example In our daily life, we use appliances like TV, Refrigerator, Washing
Machine etc to meet some specific needs. We are not aware of its internal
working or we are not interested to know about. We just operate them,
profoundly their internal implementation is abstracted from us.
In Python,
class abstraction is typically achieved through the definition of Abstract Base
Classes (ABCs) using the abc module. This is an in-built module in python that
provide methods to perform abstraction.
Key points
about class abstraction:
Abstract Base Classes (ABCs):
In Python,
abstract base classes are used to define abstract methods and properties. To
perform abstraction in python we must have to import abc module
methods are methods that are declared but do not have an implementation in the
base class.
must provide implementations for these methods. Abstract properties are similar
but for attributes.
is syntax to import ABC module:
from abc
import ABC,abstractmethod
Abstraction in Action: Class
abstraction helps in defining a common interface for related classes and ensuring
that subclasses implement required methods, and simplifying code maintenance.
2. Encapsulation:
is the concept of bundling the data (attributes) and methods (functions) that
operate on the data into a single unit called a class. It restricts direct
access to some of an objects components, providing a level of data protection
and organization. In Python, encapsulation is typically implemented using
access control mechanisms (public, protected, and private) and naming
Key points about
Access Control: In Python,
access control is not as strict as in some other languages, but conventions and
naming patterns are used to indicate the intended visibility of attributes and
methods. These conventions include:
Public: Members (attributes and methods)
without a prefix are considered public and can be accessed from anywhere.
Protected: Members with a single
underscore prefix (e.g., _variable) are considered protected and should not be
accessed from outside the class, but this is not enforced by the language.
Private: Members with a double
underscore prefix (e.g., __variable) are considered private, and cannot easily
access outside of class without particular class name.
Encapsulation in Action:
Encapsulation helps in organizing code, preventing unauthorized access or
modification of data, and providing controlled access to data through methods.
It also
allows for future changes to the internal implementation of a class without
affecting external code that uses the class.
summary, class abstraction and encapsulation are key principles in OOP that
promote code organization, maintainability, and security.
focuses on modeling classes based on essential characteristics and behaviors
encapsulation bundles data and methods into a single unit and controls access
to them. In Python, these concepts are achieved through the use of abstract
base classes, access control mechanisms, and naming conventions.
In Python,
the concepts of super classes which is also known as base classes or parent
classes and subclasses which is also known as derived classes or child classes
are fundamental to object-oriented programming (OOP).
concepts are used to create class hierarchies and implement inheritance, which
is a core principle in OOP.
is the mechanism by which a subclass can inherit attributes and methods from a
superclass. It allows you to create new classes that are based on existing
classes, promoting code reuse and modularity.
In Python,
you specify the superclass in the class definition, and the subclass
automatically inherits the attributes and methods of the superclass.
Heres an
explanation of superclasses and subclasses in Python:
1. Superclass (Base Class):
superclass (or base class) is a class that is used as a template or blueprint
to define the common attributes and methods shared by one or more classes.
Super classes
are typically more general and abstract in nature, representing a broader
category or concept.
Super classes
are defined using the class keyword like any other class, but they may include
attributes and methods that are meant to be inherited by subclasses.
2. Subclass (Derived Class):
A subclass
(or derived class) is a class that inherits attributes and methods from a
superclass. It is more specific and can have additional attributes and methods
of its own.
are created using the class keyword, and they are defined by specifying the
superclass in parentheses as part of the class definition.
inherit the attributes and methods of the superclass and can also override (replace)
or extend (add to) them.
Following is a simple example of
Superclass and Subclass declaration:
class Super:
print("Super Class")
class Sub(Super):
def disp2(self):
print("Sub Class")
obj = Sub()
Super Class
Sub Class
According to
above example class is a keyword used to define class in python. Here Super is superclass that contain one
function name disp1() and Sub is
subclass that contain one function disp2() and also inherits the Super class
function using (Super) parenthesis.
So here
Sub class already inherits the properties of Super class , we create an object
of Sub class which can access the methods of both class Super and Sub.
overriding is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that
allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation for a method that is
already defined in its superclass (or parent class).
allows you to customize or extend the behaviour of the inherited method in the
subclass. Method overriding is a form of polymorphism in OOP.
Heres how
method overriding works in Python:
1. Inheritance: First, you
need a superclass and a subclass. The method to be overridden is defined in the
2. Same Method Signature: The
overriding method in the subclass must have the same name, parameters, and
return type (or a compatible subtype) as the method in the superclass.
3. @Override Annotation (Optional): While
some programming languages require an @Override annotation to indicate method
overriding, Python does not have such an annotation. Instead, Python relies on
the method name and signature to identify the overridden method.
4. Custom Implementation: In the
subclass, you provide a custom implementation for the method you want to
override. This implementation should replace or extend the behaviour of the
superclass method.
Following is an example of Method Overriding:
class A:
def disp(self):
print("Class-A Method")
def disp(self):
print("Class-B Method")
obj1 = B()
obj2 = A()
to above example class is a keyword used to define class in python.
Here A is Super class that contain method name disp() and B is a Sub class that inherits Super
class A and also contain method name
Here the method disp() is same in both Super class and
Sub class so, to access both methods we have to create objects of Class A and B.
So here Obj1
and obj2 both are individual Objects
of class.
overriding allows you to create more specific behavior in subclasses while
reusing the interface and structure defined in the superclass.
Its a
powerful mechanism for achieving polymorphism, where different objects can
respond differently to the same method call, based on their specific
In Python,
polymorphism and dynamic binding are fundamental concepts that play a
significant role in object-oriented programming (OOP).
enable you to write more flexible and extensible code by allowing objects of
different types to respond to the same method call in a way that is specific to
their individual classes.
Polymorphism in Python:
is Latin word in which poly means many and morphism means form, so polymorphism
is defined as many forms.
allows us to perform a single action in different ways.
allows you to write code that can work with objects of different classes in a
unified and flexible manner, making your code more adaptable and extensible.
there are two types of polymorphisms:
Compile Time Polymorphism
Run Time Polymorphism
Here's an
example of polymorphism in Python:
In Python,
there are two main types of polymorphism: compile-time (or static) polymorphism
and runtime (or dynamic) polymorphism. These types of polymorphism are achieved
through different mechanisms.
1. Compile-Time Polymorphism (Static
Function Overloading:
In some programming languages like C++ or Java, you can define multiple
functions with the same name in the same class, but with different parameter
lists (different number or types of parameters). Python does not support
traditional function overloading, as it uses dynamic typing.
Following is an Example of Overloading:
def add(a,
return a + b
def add(a,
b, c):
return a + b + c
to above example only the second `add` function will be visible, and the first
one will be overloaded on second function.
2. Runtime Polymorphism (Dynamic
Overriding: In Python, you can create subclasses that inherit methods from a
parent class. If a subclass defines a method with the same name as a method in
its parent class, it overrides the parent class's method. This is known as
method overriding and is a form of runtime polymorphism. The specific method
that gets called depends on the type of the object during runtime.
is an Example of Overriding:
class Bank:
def disp(self):
class SBI(Animal):
def disp(self):
return "SBI Bank"
class ICIC(Animal):
def disp(self):
return "ICIC Bank"
sbi = SBI()
icic = ICIC()
SBI Bank
In this
example, both `SBI` and `ICIC` are subclasses of `Bank`, and they override the
`disp()` method to provide their own implementation.
polymorphism is the more common and widely used form of polymorphism in Python.
Dynamic Binding in Python:
binding, also known as late binding or runtime binding, is the process by which
the appropriate method implementation is determined at runtime based on the actual
type of the object being referenced. It allows Python to select the correct
method to call dynamically during program execution.
uses dynamic binding to achieve polymorphism. When you call a method on an
object, Python looks up the method in the object's class hierarchy and invokes
the most specific implementation based on the actual object's type. This
happens at runtime, making Python a dynamically typed language.
binding ensures that the correct method is called based on the object's type,
as demonstrated in the polymorphism example above.
summary, polymorphism and dynamic binding in Python enable you to write more
flexible and extensible code by allowing different objects to respond to the
same method call based on their individual types.
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