Wednesday, January 4, 2023

DS and RDBMS MCA Question Bank

 Data Structure


Q.1    Attempt all. (Each question of 1 marks)                                                            

          1.       ___ is the data structure that allows you to store only single data type                               values?

          2.       You can store a ___ value in the non-primitive data structures?

          3.       Non-Primitive data structure is a data structure that allows you to store ___                      data type values.

4.       ___ is represents the amount of memory space needed the algorithm in its lifecycle.

          5.       ___ is a process that is used to optimize the use of storage devices.

          6.       Pointer use __ symbol for represent an address.

          7.       The process in which a function calls itself directly or indirectly is 

                   called ___?

          8.       The size of non-primitive data structure is fixed.

          9.       Array is Collection of various / different data type of Element.

          10.     Pointer use Astrik (*) and Address / Ampersand (&) symbol in                                         programming?

          11.    What is a Data Structure?

          12.    What is Array?

Answer the following question?                                                                        

1.       What is pointer?

2.       Explain Key Attributes of Storage Management?

3.       How do Array Work in Data Structure?

4.       Explain Primitive & Non Primitive Data Structure?                                     

5.       What is Linear & Non- Linear Data Structure?

6.       Explain Operations on Primitive data structure.

7.       What is algorithm?

8.       Why do we need to do an algorithm analysis?

9.       What is Algorithm analysis?

10.     What is Array?.

11.     Explain Array Representation?

12.     How do Array Work in Data Structure?

13.     Explain Basic Operations of Array?

14.     What is Pointer?

15.     Why do We Need Pointers in Data Structure?

16.     How do Pointers Work in Data Structure?

17.     What is String?



1.          ___Function is Display an Element in Stack.

2.     ___Function is insert an Element in Stack.

3.     _____End Of Stack.

4.     ____Strategy is Use in Stack.

5.     Stack is An____Datatype.

6.     Stack order may follow FILO. True / False

7.     Give full form of LIFO.

8.     Only five memory blocks available in the stack True / False

9.     Stack is never overflow True / False

10.       When we insert an element in a stack then the operation is known as a _______.

Short / Long Question

1.       Write Application of stack                                                                                    

          2.       Representation of stack using array and also Implementing Operations on Stack         

          3.       Definition of stack and explain its operation                                                

4.       What is String reversal in Stack?                                                                 

          5.       What is Stack?                                                                                           

          6.       Which Strategy is Use in Stack?                                                                 

7.       How Many End Of Stack?

8.       How Many Operation Support in a Stack And which?

9.       Give Five Example Of Stack Application?

10.     What is Application Of Stack?

11.     What is String reversal in Stack?

12.     Which Function is Use For Delete Element in a Stack?

13.     Which Strategy is Use in Stack?

Q.3    One Mark

1.        Write  correct syntax to create a new node?

2.           The Linked list is _______________ type of data structure

3.           Define the term : Linked list

4.           Each element in the linked list is called as _________

5.           In Linked list the node contains ____________ and __________

6.           The node part stores ________________ in singly link list

7.           The Link part stores ________________ in singly link list

8.           How many types of linked list are present in data structure?

Short / Long Question

1        What is Linked List? Explain its Advantages and Disadvantages                   

2        What is Singly Link List? Explain its representations                                            

3        How to traverse a Linked List.                                                                   

4        How to do Display in Doubly Link List                                                                 

5        What is linked list? Explain its representation.                                             

6        Explain Types of Link List.                                                                         

7.       Explain Insertion as first node in Singly Link List                                      

8.       Explain Insertion at specified node Singly link list in Singly Link List          

9.       Explain deletion as first node

10.     Explain Deletion as a last node

11.     Explain Deletion at specific node in Singly link list

12.     Explain the Circular Link List


      1.     BFS Stands for____________________.

      2.     DFS Stands for____________________.

      3.     BST stands for ____________________.

      4.     Node without children is called __________.

      5.     If each node in the tree has a maximum of two children, we say that the tree is a   ________.

       6.     Define leaf?

       7.     What is Balanced Tree?

       8.     Define strictly binary tree?

       9.     Define complete binary tree?

     10. What is meant by traversing?

     11. What are the applications of binary tree?

     12. What is a minimum spanning tree?

     13. Define Graph?

     14. What is a directed graph?

     15. What is an undirected graph?

Short / Long Question

      1.     Explain minimal spanning tree.

      2.     Explain Binary Tree.

      3.     Short note for tree and its type.

      4.     What are Basic Terminologies in Tree Data Structure?

      5.     What is tree and explain its type?

      6.     What are the types of traversal of binary trees?

     7.     What is shortest path problem?

    8.     Explain Graph Traversal.

9.     Explain deletion as first node in Singly Link List

10. Explain Deletion as a last node in Singly Link List

11. Draw the Binary Tree or the following data and display its value in preorder, post order and in order.. 20, 5, 15, 17, 45, 10

12. Draw the Binray Tree : J, R, D, G, T, E, M, H, P, A, F, Q. and arrange inorder, preorder, post order.


1.     _______ is a process of putting a list or group of item in a specific order.

2.     What does a sorting algorithm do?

3.     Which is the best technique for understanding program logic in simple structure format? 

4.     _______is platform independent

5.     which is the easiest sorting algorithm?

6.     Which is the fastest sorting algorithm for large data?

7.     linear search algorithm used in _______.

8.     True And False:-linear search algorithm requires data to be ordered. True / False

9.     How to calculated the midpoint in Binary search?


Short / Long Question

1        What is difference between sorting and searching method                            

2        Explain linear search with Example

3        Explain sorting method                                                                               

4        Explain bubble sort with Example

5        Explain how Insertion Sort works? Explain with example         

6        Explain how Merge Sort works? Explain with example

7        Explain what is Binary Search? Explain with example

8        Explain what is Linear Search? Explain with example.

Relational Database Management Systems

Q.1   Each question of 1 marks                                            

          1.       DDL stands for ____.

          2.       Commit and rollback tasks are performed under ___ language.

          3.       Truncate task is performed under ____ language.

          4.       What is Database?

          5.       What is Data?

          6.       What is Models?

          1.       Data never depends on information. (True / False)

          2.       Information is a set of data, which is processed in a meaningful way.

(True / False)

          3.       How many types of Database Languages are there?

          4.       What is the full form of DBMS?

5.       The DBMS acts as an interface between _______and _______of an enterprise - class system. (Database application and the database)

6.       A relational database system needs to maintain data about the relations, such as the schema of the relations. This is called (Metadata)

Short and Long Question

1.           Write advantages of file based system.

2.           Write disadvantages of file based system.

3.           What is active data dictionary?

4.           What is passive data dictionary?

5.           Write types of database languages?

6.           Write types of database interfaces?

7.           Write characteristics of data?

8.           Define data with diagram?

9.           Explain information diagram?

10.      Write advantages of file based system.                                                

11.      What is active data dictionary?                                                            

12.      Explain Logical and Physical Data Structure?

Q.2    One Mark

1.           What is Database?

2.           DBMS stands for_________

3.           What is DBMS?

4.           RDBMS stands for ___________

5.           What is RDBMS?

6.           In RDBMS _______is also known as relation.

7.           A relational database consists of a collection of ______

8.           SQL stands for ______

9.           Atomicity is a type of ACID property. True or False?

10.       Data is a component of DBMS. True or False?

11.       During transaction before commit _____ statement is done automatically in case of shutdown.

Short and Long Question

1.         Difference between DBMA V/s RDBMS                                                    

2.         Explain Classification of Database Management System.                             

3.         Advantages of DBMS.                                                                                

4.         What are the different types of languages that are used in DBMS?      

5.         Explain ACID property in DBMS.

6.         Component of DBMS

7.         Relational Database V/s Non-Relational Database

8.         What is RDBMS? How it works? Explain with example.

9.         Function of DBMS                                                                                      Q.3    One Mark

1.                 Which of the following in an environment?

2.                 ER model stands for _______________

3.                 A thing in the real world with an independent existence as______.

4.                 Attributes can be divided into.

5.                 Properties that describes entities are called_____.

6.                 A person’s salary is an example of _____ attributes

7.                 When something has no value, it is called____.

8.                 How many Types of relation in ER model?

9.                 How many Types of Attributes in ER model?

10.             Types of Constraints

Short / Long Question


1.       What is Constraints?

2.       What is Normalization?                                                                              

3.       Draw E-R Diagram for College Management System.                                  

4.       Explain Guidelines for relational schema.                                                    

5.       How many types of Relational in E-R Model                                               

          6.       Explain component of E-R Model.                                                               

7.       What is constraint in database? Explain types of constraints with Suitable example?

8.       Draw E-R Diagram for Library Management System.                                   

9.       Explain E.F. Codd 12 Rules of RDBMS                                                      


Q.4    One Mark

1.       View are also known as __________                                                           

2.       Not Null Constraints can be defining only at the column level. (True/False) 

3.       What is sub-query in SQL?

4.       Table joined with itself called_________.

5.       Which constraints can be defined only at the column level?

6.       SQL stands for_______.

7.       Sum () is not a valid aggregate function.True/False.

8.       DDL stands for___________.

9.       Rows of a relation known as tuple. True/False.

Short / Long Question 

1.       What is SQL? Explain basic functionality of it.                                            

2.       Explain Different way to insert recode in Table with example.                     

3.       Short note for sorting data in Database.                                              

4.       Explain Truncating table data.                                                           

5.       What are view in Oracle? Explain its type.                                                  

6.       Explain aggregate function in Oracle with Example.                                     

7.       Write the Following Query on EMP and DEPARTMENT Table in Oracle           

EMP: empno, ename, mgr, job, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno (Foreign Key)

Dept: deptno (Primary Key), deptname, location 

1.     Write a query to display list of employee who are working under deptno 20 as a clerk.

2.     Write a query to display empno, name, job and salary of employee 7844, 7902, 7788, 7566.

3.     Write a query to find a list of employee name starts with A.

4.     Write a query to find an average paid by the company.

5.     Write a query to display job wise salary paid to the employees.

6.     Write a query to find total monthly salary paid by the company.


8.       What are Join? Explain its types.

Q.5    One Mark

1.        What is the purpose of the PL/SQL language?

2.        PL/SQL does not have data types or variables. (True / False )

3.        State few notable characteristics of PL/SQL. Block-structured language.

4.        Name few schema objects that can be created using PL/SQL?

5.        What are the three basic sections of a PL/SQL block?

6.        What is a trigger?

7.        What are the PL/SQL cursors?

8.        PL/SQL engine is part of Oracle Server. (True / False)

9.        What is returned by the cursor attribute SQL%ROWCOUNT?

10.    What is returned by the cursor attribute SQL%FOUND?

11.    What is returned by the cursor attribute SQL%NOTFOUND?

Short / Long Question

1.       Explain Basic Structure of PL/SQL with Example.                                      

2.       Explain ACID property of transaction in Detail.                                          

3.       Write a trigger to calculate total, per and result of Student Table while inserting or updating 6 subject Marks in Database.                                                    

4.       Explain What is Cursor with Example.                                                        

5.       List and explain PLSQL Datatype?                                                   

6.       What is Transaction? Explain its Command.          

7.       Define following commands.

a.      Commit

b.     Rollback

c.      Save point

8.       Write Disadvantages of SQL.

9.       Explain uses of cursor.

10.     Define Implicit and Explicit Cursors.

11.     When is a declare statement required?

12.     How many triggers can be applied to a table?

13.     List and explain PLSQL Datatype?

14.     What is control structure?

15.     Explain cursor types.

16.     Explain Cursor within Cursor


Web Design Technologies using Advance User Interface


Q.1    (a) Attempt all. (Each question of 1 marks)                                                      

          1.       HTML stands for ____.

          2.       ‘<>…</ >’ is _____ type of tag.

          3.       ______ attribute is used to inline style sheet.

          4.       ‘function’ and ‘var’ are ____ in JavaScript.

          5.       Bootstrap3 is mobile first. (True / False)

          6.       AngularJS is perfect for _____.

          1.       _____ attribute use to set color of document text.

          2.       <style src=”style.css”> to set external stylesheet. (True / False)

          3.       ____ operator is used to check whether the types of two values are equal 

                   or not.

          4.       ____ key word use to create function in JavaScript.

          5.       Glyphicons in Bootstrap are used for _____.

          6.       AngularJS is unit testable. (True / False)

1.      _____ tag is use to audio file in HTML.

          2.      Class selector define with _____ delimiter.

          3.      _____ event is used when user lost their focus in JavaScript.

          4.      Content class in Bootstrap is used to create a panel. 

                   (True / False)

5.      tooltip class in Bootstrap is used to create a tooltip. 

         (True / False)

6.      email is not an Angular filter. (True / False) 

In how many ways can a CSS be integrated as a web page?                        

Explain CSS Animations.                                                                          

Explain HTML audio and video tag.                                                   

Explain type of CSS.           

Q.2    (a)     Difference Between class selector V/s id selector                               

(b)     Describe Looping structure in JavaScript.                                          

          (b)     Explain dialogue boxes in JavaScript.                                                

(a)     What is CSS overflow?                                                                     

          (b)     How can we make our website responsive using CSS?                       

          (b)     Enumerate the differences between Java and Javascript.                     


Q.3    (a)     What is JavaScript? Write an advantages.                                          

(b)     State some of the methods of String object.                                        

(a)     What is container in Bootstrap? Explain their types.                           

(b)     Explain Breakpoints and list out available Break point in Bootstrap.   

(a)     What is the difference between an alert box and a confirmation box?  

(b)     Explain JavaScript timing event.                                                                 

(a)     Why we use Bootstrap?                                                                             

(b)     Explain button classes of bootstrap.                                                            

Q.4    (a)     How many types of input element in HTML? Explain any two.                    

(b)     Describe the features of HTML.                                                                  

(a)     Explain the following Question (3 marks each)                                            

1.       Explain CSS margin properties.

2.       Explain background properties in CSS.                                              

(b)     Explain lists in HTML.                                                                               

(a)     How navbar works?                                                                                    

(b)     Describe the features of HTML.                                                                  

(a)     Explain the following Question (3 marks each)                                            

1.       What is tabs?

2.       Explain dropdown component.

(b)     Explain angular components.                                                                      

 Q.5   (a)     What is Angular?                                                                                       

(b)     What is databinding in Angular? Explain data model with example.             

(a)             Explain built-in attributes of directives in Angular.                                      

(b)     What are the directive scopes in Angular?                                                   

(a)     What is module in Angular?                                                                       

(b)     How to create structural directives?                                                             

(a)             How to provide service with components in Angular?                                 

(b)     What is SPA (Single page application) and its benefits?