Monday, December 5, 2022

Noble University IMCA and BCA C Language Question Bank


Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)

Mobile No : 7600044051

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Question Bank Unit 1

1 – Marks

1. Give full form : ANSI

Ans : American National Standard Institute

2. Give definition: Algorithm.

Ans : algorithm is a procedure or Step by Step instruction for solving program.

3. What is a dry run?

Ans :  A dry run is the process of a programmer manually working through their code to trace the value of variables

4. What is a flowchart?

Ans : A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process.

5. Give the difference between ++m and m++ notation.

Ans : ++m is Pre Increment and m++ is Post Increment

6. What is the range of character datatype in the C programming language?

Ans : -128 to 127

7. Explain the scanf () function.

Ans : Scanf function is used to input data from keyboard.

8. How many bits are occupied by the character datatype?

Ans : 1 Byte

9. What is the output?



void main()


int k=65;

printf(“%c %d”, k, k );


Ans : A65

10.What is a header file consist of?

Ans : Library Function

11.What is the return data type of scanf()?

Ans : int

12.Why should we use i++ rather than i=i+1?

Ans : i++ execute fast in compare to I = I + 1

13.What is the difference between local and global variable declaration in C?

Ans : Scope of the Variable, Local variable scope limited while global variable scope is entire program.

14.What is Enumeration?

Ans : Enum is User Define Data Type

15.C Language consists of ______ number of keywords.

Ans : 32

16.C is middle–level language. [True/False]

Ans : True

17.C programming is _____ (top-down/bottom-up) programming.

Ans : top to down

18.Operators in C language are classified into ________

Ans : 6 Type

19.Types of comment available in C language is/are _________

Ans : Two 1. Single Line Comment and 2. Multiline Comment

20.C supports as many as _______relational operators.

Ans : 6 Types

Question Bank Unit 2

 1 – Marks

1. Which loop executes at least one?

Ans : do wile loop

2. List out iterative control statements in the c programming language.

Ans : For, While and Do while

3. ____________ statement will terminate the current execution of a loop.

Ans : break

4. Which two loops are known as entry control loops?

Ans : For and While

5. What is the “break” keyword?

Ans : it is use to terminate the current execution.

6. When if statements are nested, the last else gets associated with the nearest if without an else. (T/F)

Ans : False          

7. The _______ operator is true only when both the operands are true.

Ans : And

8. Multiway selection can be accomplished using an else if statement or the __________ statement.

Ans : Switch

9. Each expression in the else if must test the same variable. (T/F)

Ans : True

10.The ______ statement when executed in a switch statement causes immediate exit from the structure.

Ans : Break

11.Find errors, if any, in each of the following segments:

if (x + y = z && y > 0)

printf(“ “);

Ans : Error : if( x+y == z && y > 0)

12.In a pretest loop, if the body is executed n times, the test expression is executed n + 1 times. (T/F)

Ans : True

13.The number of times a control variable is updated always equals the number of loop iterations. (T/F)

Ans : False

14.Both the pretest loops include initialization within the statement. (T/F)

Ans : True

15.In an exit-controlled loop, if the body is executed n times, the test condition is evaluated ________times.

Ans : n +1

16.The _________statement is used to skip a part of the statements in a loop.

Ans : continue

17.for loop with the no test condition is known as ______ loop.

Ans : infinite loop

18.The sentinel-controlled loop is also known as _______ loop.

Ans : While loop

19. In a counter-controlled loop, variable known as _____ is used to count the loop operations.

Ans : index 

Question Bank Unit 3

1 – Marks

1. Explain the strlen () function.

Ans : String Length Function or It calculate number of character in an array.

2. Mathematical functions are stored in ________ header file.

Ans : math.h header file

3. Define a function in C.

Ans : A function is a group of statements that together perform a task.

4. What is an Argument?

Ans : The values that are declared within a function when the function is called are known as an argument.

5. How to pass an array to a user-defined function?

Ans : To pass an entire array to a function, only the name of the array is passed as an argument

6. A function in C should have atleast one return value. (T/F)

Ans : True

7. Explain the getchar () and putchar () functions.

Ans : Here the getchar() function takes a single character from the standard input and assigns them to a ch variable. Whereas the putchar() function prints the read character

8. What is “end-of-string” marker?

Ans : EOF

9. What is the meaning of w and s in scanf(“%ws”, string1);

Ans : W is whitespace character and S is String

10.How to read line of text from user.

Ans : using gets() function.

11.What is the rerturn type of getchar() function?

Ans  : int

12.Explain gets() function.

Ans : To read line of text from user.

13. Explain putchar() with example.

Ans : Putchar is a function in the C programming language that writes a single character to the standard output stream

14.Explain the use and functionality of atoi(string) function.

Ans : The atoi() function converts a character string to an integer value.

Question Bank Unit 4

1 – Marks

1. Define array.

Ans : An array is a data structure that contains a group of elements.

2. What is an array variable?

Ans : Array variables provide an alternative to defining multiple variables to represent multiple values.

3. How to declare one dimentional array?

Ans : datatype variablename[size];

4. An array can store similar datatypes of value. (T/F)

Ans :  we can store similar datatype only in an Array.

5. Explain multidimentional array.

Ans : datatype variablename[Row_Size][Col_Size];

6. An expression that evaluates to an integral value may be used as a subscript. (T/F)

Ans : True

7. In C, by default, the first subscript is zero.(T/F)

Ans : True

8. The declaration int x[2] = {1,2,3}; is illegal.(T/F)

Ans : True

9. The variable used as a subscript in an array is popularly known as _______variable.

Ans : Index

10.An array can be initialized either at compile time or at___________.

Ans : Run Time

11.An array that uses more than two subscript is referred to as ______________array.

Ans : Two Dimension

12._____ Keyword is used to create a structure.

Ans : struct

13.In structure, the. (dot) the operator is used for what?

Ans : Member Access

14.The structure is a collection of different data types. Is this true or false?

Ans : False

15. Structures may contain members of only one data type. (T/F)

Ans : False

16. Structures are always passed to functions by printers.(T/F)

Ans : True

17.Pointers can be used to access the members of structure variables. (T/F)

Ans : True

18.We can perform mathematical operations on structure variables that contain only numeric type members. (T/F)

Ans : False

19.The________ can be used to create a synonym for a previously defined data type.

Ans : Typedef

20.The selection operator —> requires the use of a __________to access the members of a structure.

Ans : Pointer Operator

21.The variables declared in a structure definition are called its ____________.

Ans : Member of Structure

Question Bank Unit 5

1 – Marks


1. Pointer variables are declared using the address operator.

Ans : False

2. Pointer constants are the addresses of memory locations.(T/F)

Ans : True

3. Pointers to pointers is a term used to describe pointers whose contents are the address of another pointer. (T/F)

Ans : True

4. It is possible to cast a pointer to float as a pointer to integer.

Ans : No

4. An integer can be added to a pointer. (T/F)

Ans : True

5. A pointer can never be subtracted from another pointer.

Ans : Yes

5. When an array is passed as an argument to a function, a pointer is passed. (T/F)

Ans : False

6. Pointers cannot be used as formal parameters in headers to function definitions. (T/F)

Ans  : False

7. Value of a local variable in a function can be changed by another function.(T/F)

Ans : True

8. A pointer variable contains as its value the________ of another variable.

Ans : Memory Address

9. The ___________operator is used with a pointer to de-reference the address contained in the pointer.

Ans : *

10. The __________only integer that can be assigned to a pointer variable is ____________

Ans : 0 and NUll

11. The pointer that is declared as ________cannot be de-referenced.

Ans : Void

12. What is a NULL pointer?

Ans : A null pointer is a special reserved value which is defined in a stddef header file. Or

Null means that the pointer is referring to the 0th memory location.