Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)
E-Mail : udayshah80@gmail.com
Contact No : 7600044051
:: Introduction To iPhone ::
Explain I-phone?
I-phone is combination of i-Pod, tablet
PC and cellular phone made by the apple that pair the easy of use of and i-pad
with rubbished multimedia internet browsing network capabilities and many more.
· It is also known as smart phone.
· It is extremely think wider and longer
than many comparable device.
· Generally the display area is 3.5 inch wide screen multi
touch interface with high resolution like other smart phones, I-phone does not
use hardware keyboard and or other component.
User can use multiple apps and also
navigate application through mobile version of apples OS X operating system.
It automatic detect WIFI networks.
It support high speed data transfer and
also support 4 to 8 GB.
Intro to X-code
· X-code is an integrated development
environment for developing I-phone and makes application.
· It content suit of software development
tools to development by apple for developing software for OS X and IOS.
It latest version is available in MAC
application store.
· The X-code interface integrates code for
editing user interface design assets management, testing and debugging with single
work space window.
· The window can reconfigure bytes content
E.g. to select a find in one aria and use appropriate editor open it another
Developer can focus on task by display
only what you needed such as only your source code or only your user interface.
Layout or you can work with your code
and user interface layout side by side.
· Than after you can further customize
your environment by opening multiple windows multiple tab per windows.
is diagram of X-code IDE.
· According to above diagram developer can
build apple application In X code interface. X code can check your source code
as you type when X code notice a mistake than source code editor highlight the
· The source code editor offer to fix it X
code speed up your with intelligent code compilation.
· X code reduce your typing by offering
ready to use code.
· User can easily configure the source
code editor to display multiple view of the same file.
What is framework?
The Android Framework
is the entire stack of stuff that makes up the OS. This is the underlying
Native libraries that are not directly accessible, the layer above that that
you actually interact with and the code that developers write to run on the
Multiple application can be used for
this resource simultaneously and the system load them into memory as needed and
share one copy of the resource among all the application.
A framework is also the bundle and its
content can be access using core
foundation bundle service or the COCOA touch bundle class.
A framework bundle is a stand by
directory that user can navigate that make it easier for developer to browse
the framework content.
Framework serve the same purpose as static
and dynamic share library.
They provide a library of routines and
that can be call by the application to perform a specific task.
E.g. the application kit and foundation
framework provide the programmatic interface for the COCOA class and method.
Framework provide some advantages over a
static link library and other dynamic share library.
Frame work is a group related but it
also works separate. This grouping makes it easier to install, uninstall and
rotate that resource.
Framework can include a wide verity of
resource type then library.
Framework can include any relative
header file and documentation.
Multiple version of framework can be
included in the same bundle. This makes it possible to be background compatibility
with other programming.
Only one copy of a framework as reads
only resources.
Create a frame work
Once you decide that you need to create
a framework for your code you can do it easily with X code.
You can add a major version of the framework
and you can also need to be able to maintain your projects.
From the X code file menu select new
project and follow the prompts to select the type of framework that you want to
add in your project directory.
The default templates that come with X
code use specific weather you want to create a carbon or COCOA framework.
Configure framework
When you create a new framework there
are several configuration option that you may want to modify.
This option make it easier to distribute
your framework to customer and guaranty it’s a compatibility after feature
development cycle.
Following is some list of option that
you should set for your framework.
1. Framework
2. Framework
3. Current
4. Compatibility
5. Expiated
6. Installation path
7. Preferred
addresses etc.
User interface control
A control is a combination tools between
a user and an application.
Control convey a particular action or
interaction to the app to user interaction and can be use to manipulate content
provide user navigate with act or execute other pre define action.
· Control are simple start forward and
familiar to user because the appear throughout IOS app.
· The user interface control class is base
class for all controls on IOS and defines the functionality that is common to
all control.
· You should never use it directly instead
one of its some class each sub class of user interface control define
appearance behavior and intended usage specific to the control.
Behavior of the control
A control state behavior of the control.
· Control state also describes the current
interactive state of control like normal selected enable highlighted etc.
A control can have more than one state
at a time.
When user interact with control the
control state change appropriate.
· Developer can configure control to have
different appearance for different state to provide user with a feedback.
· Control event is also the behavior of
control where control event represent various physical interface that user can
make their own control such as leafing a finger form control, dragging a finger
into a control and touching down within a text field.
· When the control is enable user can
interact with it otherwise it is a disable and it appear grayed out and does
not respond to user interaction.
Target action mechanism
The target action mechanism is also on
of the behavior of control it is model for configuring a control to send and
action message to a target object.
E.g. when user interact with a slider it
generate user interface control event value change control event.
You could use this event to update a
label text to the current value of the slider.
Control alignment
Control alignment like button, text
field can content images or text.
For this control you can specify the
alignment of that content by using the horizontal alignment or vertical
alignment option in attributes.
Using the vertical alignment option you
can specify whether the content appear
align with top, center or bottom and this is a great tool for ensuring that the
content appear exactly.
late the user intent behavior with a tap.
communicate a button function through a text user table all with an image.
app change button appearance based upon user touch interaction.
· Changing
in the table or image color and state to indicate button action dynamically.
object can be specified as one of five standard types system.
· The
info and context button type are supplied with standard image graphics to
indicate type purpose.
do not need to delegate a function properly.
· View
control or define their behavior and functionality without implement any
delegate protocol.
· User
can customize the appearance of the button by setting various properties of it.
· If
the button has custom image then it highlight adjust and disable adjust image
option in it.
· Button
has for state to configure for appearance that is default highlighted selected
and disable.
· A
button can have two types of text a plain or attributed plain text support
single set of formatting while attributed text support multiple set of
Text field
text field allow user to input a single line of text into an application.
user text field is small amount of text from the user and perform some
immediate action like search operation based on text.
set of content of the text field can select weather a plain text or attributed
place holder appearance of the text whenever the text field has no character.
can use clear button to delete text in the text field.
field need to delegate custom behavior such as display additional view and also
whenever begin edited it. The text field sends user interface components event
editing binding method.
can response this method by performing some corresponding action in your
as update information as the user type.
text file enable auto correct field that allow user to input a text in a text
can customize the appearance for text field by setting the property describes
in it.
are verities of border style.
text field can have background image that store under the content of the text
Text view
User can create auto layout consist
between a text field and other user interface element.
You will generally need to specify a
text field intended for the application.
The text view accept and display
multiple line of text, text view support scrolling and text editing typically
use a text view to display large amount of list such as body of an email
Following is some important property of
text view that is
1. Delegate
2. Editable
3. Data
directory type
4. Input
5. Input
6. Text
7. Text
8. Text
The text view has same property event
and method like text field.
It define a set of optional method that
you can receive editing related message.
All of the method in this protocol are
Cocoa touch is user interface framework
for building software program to run on IOS for the I-phone, I-pod and I-pad.
Cocoa touch provides and abstraction
layer of IOS.
The operating system from the I-phone,
I-pod and I-pad.
Cocoa touch is based on the MAC OS API.
Toolset and like primary language object of C.
Cocoa touch allows the use of hardware
and a feature that are not found in MAC OS.
Just like a cocoa, cocoa touch follow
model view control (MVC) software architecture.
Cocoa touch contents a different set of
graphical control element of cocoa.
Tools for developing based on cocoa
touch are including in the IOS SDK.
An IOS technology can be sync as a set
of layer with cocoa touch at the highest level and the core OS and IOS kernel
at the bottom.
The hierarchical view of IOS technology
can be show as
1. Cocoa
2. Media
application service
3. Core
4. Core
OS and IOS kernel
Some of the main feature and technology
of cocoa touch are core animation multi tasking etc.
MVC means the model view controller
design assign object in an application one of three roles that is model view
and controller.
The patterns define not only the role
object play in the application it define the way object communicate with each
Each of the three types of object is
separated from the others by abstract boundaries and communicates with object
of the other type across the boundary. The collection of object of certain MVC
type in an application is sometime referring to as a layer.
MVC is a central to a good design for
cocoa touch.
The benefit of adopting these patterns
is numerous.
Many object in this application tend to
be more reusable and their interface tend to be better define application
having MVC.
MVC design is also more easily
extensible then other application.
More ever many cocoa technology and
architecture are based on MVC and require that your custom object to play one
of the MVC roles.
Following is a diagram to denote MVC
pattern in an application.
According to above diagram the model
represent the data in your application it is responsible for show tend
validating and organizing your data.
The view is user interface or what the
user see and interact with you can create a view programmatically through code
using apple class such as user interface view.
The controller manages communication
between the view and model.
It takes the data from the model and communicates
it to the view for display.
:: Best Of Luck ::