Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD -IT)
E-Mail : udayshah80@gmail.com
Contact No : 7600044051
User Interfaces with Layouts
developers use the term layout to mean one of two things that are:
- A type of resource that defines what is drawn on
the screen. Layout resources are stored as XML files in the /res/layout
resource directory for the application. A layout resource is simply a
template for a user interface screen, or portion of a screen, and contain.
- A type of View class whose primary purpose is to
organize other controls. These layout classes LinearLayout, RelativeLayout,
TableLayout, etc. are used to
display child controls, such as text controls or buttons or images on the
· Following is list of
Layout supported by Android
1 Liner Layout :
Android linear layout is one of the
fundamental layouts in an android application.
Which is available for developer to
implement their user interface name as a linear layout?
It put its children in a linear fashion.
Linear layout is a view group that aligns
all its children in a single direction.
That may be in a vertical or in a
horizontal so there are two types of linear layout is available.
Following is an XML file for linear
right="16 dp"
In linear layout element name start from
android and the android are name spaces which have number of attribute like layout_width,
layout_height etc.
attribute must be specified for the root element in every android XML file.
2 Relative layout :
layout view of groups which enable user to specify the location of child object
relative to each other child.
is also help to display child view in a relative position.
position of each view can be specified as relative to its element in a left top
and center position.
is also align parent control in their relative manner.
is very powerful utilizes for designer a user interface because it can help to
design a developer in a user friendly environment.
is also help to user to element a nested view and groups because it keeps the
layout in a hierarchical manner and with the help of this functionality we can
improve the performance.
are several linear layouts instead of a single relative layout.
a relative layout view child can specified their position in a relative to
parent view or to each other.
· So we can assign two element
with border, screen, alignment, left, right and center.
is an example of relative layout.
to above example relative layout define as a root element in their activity
has number of attributes to set user interface in their activity.
List view
view is a view group that displays the list of scrollable items.
list items are automatically inserted at to the list when the content of your
layout is dynamic or not predictable.
list of items is automatically inserted at to the list using adapter and array
from the database.
· Following is a diagram of list
· List
view is also known as an adapter because it actually works as a bridge between
user interface component and data source.
· That
fills the data into user interface component and display like spinner list view
· Android provide several sub
classis of adapter that are usefull for retrieve a different kinds of data.
Grid view
view is a view group that display item in a two dimensional and also provide
scroll facility.
grid items are automatically inserted to the layout using adapter view.
grid items are not necessary to pre determine because it is inserted into the
layout using list adapter.
view and the grid view are sub class of adapter view
can be populated by building them to and adapter.
retrieves data from external sources and creates a view that represents each
data items.
· Following is a diagram of grid
· According
to above diagram grid view represent data in a tabular format where they
arrange data in row or and column.
Array Adapter
· Array
adapter is generally used in every view or view group object.
· Array
adapter bind each object in and array to a text view.
· The
list activity class used adapter as a content data in a list view.
· By
default the class provides resources for a single text view but when it is used
in a complex layout to content a large data from the database array adapter
class and array is used.
a list view fill the data require array adapter.
· Array adapter create a view
for each array item by calling to string method for each item and place context
in a text view.
· The
android framework API provide a set of 2D and 3D drawing which allow developer
to design a custom graphics on to a canvas and also modify the existing view in
a look an fill.
· Draw
your graphics into a view object from your layout in this manner the drawing of
your graphic is handle by system in a normal view.
is hierarchical process of drawing using the graphic inside the view.
· Developer
can draw graphics directory on a canvas and in this way user can personally
call the appropriate class is on drawing method.
this method we can draw a picture and also control the animation.
can typically use drawing and graphics in different ways that is.
your graphics and animation into a view object.
your graphics directly to a canvas.
· Draw a graphics is handling
but the system normally in a view hierarchical mode.
Draw using a canvas
· When
you would like to perform a specialize drawing control of animation and graphics
then you have to select a drawing through the canvas.
· Canvases
work as an interface to raw a graphics and hold your drawing on a canvas.
can draw the actual performance with the help of bitmap.
class has its onset of drawing methods.
· That you can use at the time
of drawing.
Drawing on a view
· If
the application require some amount of process or frame rate speed for game
design or animation can control either in a slowly animated or in a fast
· It
is depend upon custom view component and drawing with canvas using view ondraw
() method.
start extended view you have to define onDrawCallback () method.
· This method with the call by
the android frame work to request you draw view its self.
Drawing with on
surface view
view is a special sub class of view that offers a drawing surface with in a
view hierarchical mode.
is secondary thread so that application is not require waiting until the system
is not ready to draw in a view hierarchical.
provides dedicated drawing surface view.
of secondary thread to a surface view can draw its own canvas at its own
· The surface view sub class is
an interface that will notify you about the underline surface for created
change or destroy.
Draw able
draw able resource is general concept for a graphics that can be draw on the
screen and also help to retrieve API such ass get drawable() method.
offer to be graphics library for drawing shape and image.
draw able is general concept for something that can be draw.
· There
is verity of specific kind of draw able graphics like bitmap
drawable, shape
draw able, picture draw able, layer draw able etc.
are three different ways to define instance of draw able that is.
an image saved in your project resources.
and XML file that define the draw able property.
· Using the normal class
Draw able from
resource XML
· The
basic principle of android for developing and application using interface.
provide a powerful and flexible inherit to define object in XML.
· Once
you have define your drawable in XML save the file in resource/drawable
directory and you can retrieve the object by calling resource.get.drawable ()
· Android
XML resource provide a draw able sub class that support the inFlat () method.
can be define and XML or by the application manager.
· Each draw able support XML and
XML attribute to define the object property.
Working with animation
in android
· Android
provide verity of powerful API for adding animation to your application.
· It
provides application interface will give high quality feel to your application.
· Android
can be perform throw either XML or android code.
· Following
is some list of API for applying animation to user interface element that is
· The
android frame work provide two different animation system that is property
animation, view animation
animations are viable in system but property animation system is a general and
also it is a preferable because it provide more flexible and also offer more
· This
system provides robust frame work that allow user to animate almost anything.
can define n animation to change any object, property any time.
is introduced in android 3.0 in API level 11.
· You
can define the animation for the object regardless of whether it draws to the
screen or not.
· Property
animation changes its property value over specific length of a time.
· To
animate anything you have to specify the object property that you want to
animation on the screen like position on the screen, how long you want to
animate and what values you want to animate.
animation have following characteristics
count and behavior
refreshes delay etc.
can specify duration of an animation.
default length or duration is 300 MR.
· Time
interpolation can specify how long the value for the property is calculating as
a function of the animation.
· In
repeat count and behavior specify whether or not have and animation repeat when
it reach the end of the duration and how many to repeat the animation.
· Animator
set is a group of animation into a logical set that play together or
sequentially or after specified delay.
· In
a frame refresh delay can specify how many times and how often to refresh a
frame of your animation.
· The default frame refreshes
delay after every 10 mille seconds.
View animation
· You
can use view animation system to perform twined animation on a view.
· Twined
animation calculates the animation with information such as start point, end
point, size, rotation and other common aspects of an animation.
· View
animation system provide the capability to only animate view object so if you
want to animate non view object you have to implement your own code.
· View
animation system also considers that fact is that it only exposes a few aspects
of a view object like sharing, scaling, rotation but not the background color.
· One
another disadvantage of view animation system is that it only modify where the
view was draw.
· The view animation
accomplished everything you want then it is a right choice for animation
Drawable animation
· This
animation load a series of draw able resource one after another to create an
· This
is a traditional animation in the scene that it is with the sequence of
different images play in order like roll of film.
· The
animation draw able class is basic for draw able class is basic class for draw
able animation.
· When
you define a frame of animation in your application code using the animation
draw able class API.
· It
is simpler accomplished with a single XML file that it’s the frame compose.
XML life is a kind of animation then it is store under res/draw able directory
in your android project.
file consist animation list element as the root node a series of child element
as a <item> that each define as a frame work.
Animation takes some parameters such as start value, end value, size, time
duration, rotation angle e.t.c and performs the required animation on that
· It
can be applied to any type of object. So in order to use this, android has
provided us a class called Animation.
· In
order to perform animation in android, we are going to call a static function
loadAnimation () of the class AnimationUtils.
are going to receive the result in an instance of Animation Object.
is syntax of Animation :
Animation animation =
(getApplicationContext (), R.anim.myanimation);
the second parameter. It is the name of the animation xml file.
· You
have to create a new folder called anim under res directory and make
an xml file under anim folder.
start() :
This method starts the animation
duration) : This method sets the duration of an animation
getDuration() : This method gets the
duration which is set by above method
end() :
method ends the animation
cancel() :
This method cancels the animation
Frame Animation
· In
Android Frame Animation, you will be swapping frames repeatedly, so that it
appears continuous to the human eye and we feel that it is animated.
is referred to an image.
· So
to implement frame by frame animation in android, one needs to have set of
images, which describes a motion.
· The
idea behind a frame animation is simple, that We’ll be cycling through a series
of images very quickly, just like an old movie reel.
“frame” refers to a single image.
· Thus,
the first step in creating a custom frame animation is to create a sequence of
· We
have two options here that is
can use XML drawable.
· Or Actual image files.
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dialog is a small window that prompts the user
to make a decision or enter
additional information. A dialog does not fill the
screen and is normally used
for events that require users to take an action
before they can proceed.
android, you can create following types of Dialogs:
- Alert Dialog
- DatePicker Dialog
- TimePicker Dialog
- Custom Dialog
This Dialog is used to
show a title, buttons(maximum 3 buttons allowed), a list of select able items,
or a custom layout.
are three regions in an alert dialog. These are:
This is optional and it should be generally used when the
content area is
occupied by a detailed message, a list, or a custom layout. If
you need to
state a simple message or question, you don't need a title.
This area is used to display any message, a list, or other
custom layout.
Alert Dialog allows maximum
three action buttons in a dialog. For eg.
DatePicker Dialog
- This dialog provides us with a pre-defined UI that allows the
user to select a date.
TimePicker Dialog
This dialog provides us with a pre-defined UI that allows the
user to select suitable time.
Custom Dialog
· You can create your own custom dialog with custom
characteristics. it is also look like alert dialog box.
To use custom dialog just
create one another activity and set layout which
you want to display when user
click on button.
is simple Example of Alert Dialog Box
builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
Alert Dialog ");
AlertDialog dialog =
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