Tuesday, February 12, 2019

C# Unit 4 : Data Base Programming with ADO.NET for B.C.A.,M.C.A and all IT Students

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD – IT)
Contact No  : 7600044051
E-Mail : rupareleducation@gmail.com

C# Unit 4 : Data Base Programming with ADO.NET

Q-1     What is ADO.NET?
·        Most application requires some form of data access.
·        ADO.NET is a part of Microsoft .net framework.
·        The full form of ADO.NET is active data object.
·        ADO.NET has the ability to separate data access mechanisms data manipulation and data connectivity mechanisms.
·        ADO.NET is a set of classes that allow application to read and write information in database.
Following is a diagram of ADO.NET activity:-


·        According to above diagram.
·        ADO.NET can be used by any .NET languages.
·        ADO.NET is concept it’s not a programming language.
·        ADO.NET introduces the concept of disconnected architecture.
·        To use ADO.NET we need to add system. Data namespace.
·         It is next version of active data object technology which is used in V.B 6.0.
·        To work with database we need to add a namespace that is……
Using system.data.sqlclient
Q-2     what is disconnected environment? Or
            Explain connected and disconnected architecture.
·        The ADO.NET framework supports two model of data access architecture.
·        That is……
1)     Connection oriented data access architecture
2)     Disconnected data access architecture.
·        In connection oriented data access architecture application make a connection to the data source and then interact with sql request using the same connection.
·        In this case the application stay connected to throw database system even when it is not using by any database operation.
·        ADO.NET solve this problem by introduce a new concept of local buffering of, persistence data using data set.
·        The data set is central component in the ADO.NET disconnected a data access architecture.
·        A database is an in memory data store that can hold multiple tables at the same time.
·        Dataset only hold data and do not interact with data source.
·        One of the key character rustics of data set is that it has no knowledge of the underline data source.
·        That night have been used to populate it.
·        To create a dataset object use following syntax:-
Dataset ds = new dataset ( );
·        According to above syntax:-
·        Dataset represent ether an entire database or a subset of database.
·        It contains tables and relationship between those tables.

Connected architecture :
1.      Command:
·        It is used to fire sql commands or perform some action on the data source.
·        Such as ……
Insert, update and delete.
·        Command object is depending on connection object.
·        Command object are use to execute command to a database across a data connection.
·        The command object in ADO.NET execute sql statements and store procedures that return single value one or more set of rows or No value at all.
·        The command object has a property called command text which contain a string value that represent the command that will be executed in the data source.
·        Command object require minimum two things.
·        That is ……
Connection and query.
·        There are four overloaded constructor.
2.      Data Reader:-
·        When we execute command object using execute reader () method at that time it return data reader.
·        Which represent forward and read only rewards?
·        Data reader is use to restive read only and for word only stream of the data from the database.
·        It means we cannot perform any insert update or delete operation in data reader.
·        Data reader is opposite of dataset
·        We cannot move previous in data reader.
·        When we just want to the data use data reader fill.
·        Data reader requires open connection.
·        Data reader can hold one table at a time.
·        Data reader has item collection.
·        Data reader has read method to read next recode.

Disconnected Architecture :
1.      Data adepter:-
·        It is associated with command and connection object.
·         The data adepter is the class at the core of ADO.NET disconnected data access.
·        It is the bridge between dataset and the database.
·        The data adepter provide a set of methods and properties to retrieve and saves data between dataset ant databases.
·        The data adepter is used fill method to fill a data table or dataset.
·        The data adepter can commit the change to database by its update method
·        Data adepter provide four properties that represent database command like,
·        Select, insert, update and delete commands etc…
·        When the data adepter fill a dataset it will create the necessary table and column for the return data.
·        It has four overloaded constructor.
2.      Data table:-
·        Dataset contain a collection of one or more data table object.
·        Data table can be identifying in the dataset using dataset table property.
3.      Data row:-
·        Data row represent a row of data in data table.
·        You can add data to the data table using data row object.
·        Data row collection object represent a collection of data row of a data table.
·        Data row class has its own properties and method. For access data base value.
4.      Data column:-
·        Data column is one part of the data row.
·        Using a dataset we can access an individual column and a value of the column from data row using data column object.
5.      Data relation:-       
·        Using a data relation we can create parent child relationship between data tables.
·        ADO.NET data table object maintain a collection of constrain like, primary key, reference key, unique key, not null etc……
·        Using a data relation object we can element redundant data with the help of join queries. 
6.      Data view:-
·        Data view work with data table.
·        Every table has a default data view.
·        With the help of data view you can create different views of the data store in data table.
·        Data view has a list of properties and methods.
·        Using data view you can expose the data in table with different shorted order and filter data.
·        Data view provides a dynamic view of single set of data.
·        Data view has important properties like, short and row filter.
·        Data view does not affect the actual data store in data table.

Q.3      ADO.NET Data Providers
The classes responsible for the movement of data between the disconnected data classes in the client application and the data store are referred to as connected classes or provider classes.

The ADO.NET Framework comes with the following providers: 

·        OLEDB: The OLEDB provider, expressed through the System.Data.OleDb namespace. You can use this provider to access SQL Server 6.5 and earlier, SyBase, DB2/400, and Microsoft Access. 

·        ODBC: The ODBC provider, expressed through the System.Data.Odbc namespace. This provider is typically used when no newer provider is available. 

·         SQL Server: The Microsoft SQL Server provider, expressed through theSystem.Data.SqlClient namespace. It Contains classes that provide functionality similar to the generic OleDb provider. The difference is that these classes are tuned for SQL Server 7 and later data access.

Q-4     Command objects method.
·        Command object has three important methods for execute queries.
·        To execute any method it need to open a connection.
·        That for…….
1)     Executescalar() method
2)     Executenonquery() method
3)     Executereader() method
·        Execute scalar it is used with agree get function.
·        Agreegaet functions are…….
1)     Avg
2)     Max
3)     Min
4)     Sum
5)     Count
·        It returns one value at a time.
·        It fetch data from database
Executenonquery Method:
·        It is use to fire insert, update and delete queries to the database.
·        It returns numbers of row affected it mean if we delete five records than it return five.
·        It is generally use in connected architecture.
ExecuteReader Method:
·        The DataReader object is a forward-only and read-only cursor.
·        It requires a live connection to the Data Source.
·        The DataReader object cannot be directly instantiated. Instead, we must call the ExecuteReader () Method of the command object to obtain a valid DataReader object.
ExecuteScalar Method:
·        The ExecuteScalar Method in SqlCommandObject returns the fist column of the first row after executing the query against the Data Source.
·        If the result set contain more than one column or rows, it takes only the first column of the first row. All other values are ignored.
·         If the result set is empty it will return a null.

Q.5      Data Binding
Windows Forms allow you to bind easily to nearly any structure that contains data. With data binding, you do not need to explicitly write the code that instantiates a connection and creates a dataset On the basis of the number of bound values that can be displayed through a control of a windows form, binding can be classified into:
  • Simple data binding
  • Complex data binding
Simple data binding
Simple data binding allows you to bind a control to a single data element. The most common use of simple data binding involves binding a single data element, such as the value of a column in a table, to a control on a form. You use this type of data binding for controls that show only one value. Uses of simple data binding include binding data to text boxes and labels.
Complex Data Binding

Complex data binding allows you to bind more than one data element to a control. Using the column example, complex data binding involves binding more than one column or row from the underlying record source. Controls that support complex data binding include data grid controls, combo boxes, and list boxes.

Q-6     Explain Grid view.
·        It displays data in grid control.
·        It means record display in row and column tabular format.
·        Grid view display record in standard format. Even we can format the row with background color.
·        It allows displaying string, data, time, number etc…….
·        Data grid view allow you to display structure data in static format as well as data from the database
·        When we bind the control to data source we can base on the structure of data source.
·        The grid view control can display data in three distinct methods.
·        That is …….
1)     Bound
2)     Unbound
3)     Virtual

:: Best Of Luck ::
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