Tuesday, January 15, 2019

PHP Function : Unit 2 User Define Function and Variable Length Argument Function for B.C.A. and All IT Students

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD - IT)
E-Mail : rupareleducation@gmail.com
Contact No : 7600044051

PHP Function : Unit 2

Question : Function Naming rules:
A valid function name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers or underscores.
Types of Function:
There are different types of function as under.
1.     Argument function:
·        Information may be passed to function via the argument list which is comma delimited list of expression.
·        PHP supports passing argument by value (the default), passing by reference and default argument values. Variable length argument lists are supported only in PHP 4 and later.
              echo “Welcome to PHPMYSQL”;
              function sum($a,$b)
                        echo “<br>Sum:=$ans”;

=> Making arguments be passed by reference:
·        By default function arguments are passed by value.(so that if you change the value of the argument within the function, it does not get changed outside of the function). If you wish to allow a function to modify its arguments, you must pass them by reference.

              function add_some_extra(&$string)
                        $string.="and something extra.";
              $str="This is a string,";
              echo $str;             
“This is a string, and something extra.”

2.     Default Argument value:
·        Function may define c++ style default values for scalar arguments.
·        You can write your function to have default values. You can define an argument as having a default value with the parameter.
·        For that argument will adopt when function call, provided you don’t pass value for the arguments.
              function makecoffee($type=”Cold Coffee”)
                        return “Making a cup of $type.”;
              echo makecoffee();
              echo makecoffee(“Hot Coffee”);
     Making a cup of Cold Coffee.
     Making a cup of Hot Coffee.

3.     variable function:
·        PHP supports the concept of variable function. This means that if the variable name has parentheses appended to it, PHP will look for a function with the same name as whatever the variable execute it.

·        Variable function will not work with language construct, such as echo(), print(), unset(), isset(), empty(), include() & require().

4.     return function:
·        Values are returned by using optional return statement.
·        Any type may be returned including list an object, these causes the function and it’s execution immediately and pass control back to the line from it was called.

Question: Explain variable length argument list.
·        Php 4 and above has support for variable length argument list in user defined function.
·        This is quit easy using the func_num_args(), func_get_arg() and func_get_args() functions.
·        No special syntax is required and argument list may be provided with function definitions and will behave as normal.
·        It returns the number of argument pass to the function.
o   Syntax: int func_num_args(value)
·        It returns the no. of argument passed in to the current user define function.
·        It will generate a warning if called from outside of a user define function.
·        This function can’t use directly use  as a function parameter, instead it’s result may be assign to a variable, which can be passed to the function.
      function a()
                  echo $temp[$i].”<br>”;
      a(“MMG”, “A5B”,56);
·        It return an item from the argument list.
o   Syntax: mixed func_get_arg()
·        It returns the argument which is at the argument number into a UDF’s argument list.
·        Function arguments are counted starting from 0(zero).
·        It will generate a warning if called outside of a function definition.
            function fun()
                  echo “Number of arguments:$numargs<br>”;
                   echo “Second argument is:”.func_get_arg(1).”<br>”;
·        It gets an array of the function’s argument list.
·        This function may be used in conjunction with func_get_arg and func_num_args to allow user define function to accept variable length argument list.
o   Syntax:func_get_args(value)
·        It returns an array in which each element is a copy of the current corresponding member of the user define function argument list.
            function fun()
                  echo “Number of arguments: $numargs”;

 Explain Variable Handling Function.

Gettype() : 
·        It is used to get the type of a variable.
·        Syntax:      gettype(variable)
·        Possible values for the return strings are Boolean,integer,double
·        string,array,NUL etc.

Settype() :
·        It is used to set the type of variable.
·        settype(variable,type0
·        Possible values for the return strings are Boolean, integer, double, string, array, NULL etc.
Strval() :
·        It is used to get string value of a variable.
·        strval(variable)

Floatval() :  
·        It is used to get float value of a variable.
·        floatval(variable)
 Intval() :
·        It is used to get integer value of a variable.
·        intval

Isset() :
·        The isset () function is used to check whether a variable is set or not.
·        If a variable is already unset with unset() function, it will no longer be set.
·        The isset() function return false if testing variable contains a NULL value.
Unset() :
·        unset() destroys the specified variables.
·        The behavior of unset() inside of a function can vary depending on what type of variable you are attempting to destroy.

:: Best of Luck :: 

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