Saturday, December 29, 2018

PHP Basic - Unit 1 (Part 2) For B.C.A.,B.Sc(IT) and All IT Students

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD-IT)
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Contact No: 7600044051

PHP Basic 

Q-1: Explain PHP.
·        PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, that earlier stood for Personal Home Pages.
·        PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed.
·        The client computers accessing the PHP scripts require a web browser only.
·        PHP code may be embedded into HTML code, or it can be used in combination with various web template systems, web content management system and web frameworks.
·        Php Syntax
                 echo "Hello World";
·    According to above syntax php has own starting and ending tag and use echo command to print message and value on the screen.
·        Below are some of the compelling reasons.
·        PHP is open source and free.
·        Easy to  learning compared to other languages such as JSP, ASP etc.
·        Most web hosting servers support PHP by default
·        PHP is regular updated to keep abreast with the latest technology trends.
·        PHP is a server side scripting language
·        PHP has in built support for working in MySQL

Q-2: Explain PHP configuration in IIS and Apache Web Server.

·        Configuration for IIS
·        Open IIS manager, select the host name of your computer in the Connections panel and then double-click Handler Mapping.
·        In the Action panel, click Add Module Mapping.
·        In Request path, type *.php.
·        From Module menu, select FastCgiModule.
·        In the Executable box, type the full path to Php-cgi.exe, for example C:\PHP\Php-cgi.exe.
·        In Name, type a name for the module mapping, for ex. FastCGI.
·        Click OK.
·        Select the host name of your computer in the connection panel and double-click Default Document.
·        In the Action panel click Add. Type Index.php in the Name box and then Click OK.
·        Click Add again. Type Default.php in the Name box, and then click OK.

Q-3: Configuration for Apache:
·        There are two ways to setup Apache to use PHP. The first is to configure it to load the PHP interpreter as an Apache module. The second is to configure it to run the interpreter as a CGI binary. Choose the module method if your web host also installed PHP as an Apache module and use the CGI method if they have implemented it to run as a CGI(common gateway interface)  binary.
·        To configure Apache to load PHP as a module to parse your PHP scripts, use as ASCII text editor to open the Apache configuration file, “httpd.conf”. If you use Apache 1.x, the file is found in “c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\”. Apache 2.0.x users can find it in “C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\”.
·        Search for the section of the file that has a series of “LoadModule” statements. Statements prefixed by the “#” sign are regarded as having been commented out.
·        If you are using Apache 1, you will have already placed your php.ini file in either the window directory or somewhere in your PATH.

Q-4: Explain PHP configuration php.ini (initialize) file.
·        Ans: The PHP configuration file php.ini, is the final and most immediate way to affect PHP’s functionality. The php.ini file is read each time PHP is initialized. In other words, whenever httpd is restarted for the module version or with each script execution for the CGI version.
·        The configuration file is well commented and through. Keys are case sensitive, keyword values are not; white space and lines beginning with semicolons are ignored.
·        The default values in php.ini will result in a reasonable PHP installation that can be used later. The important settings in php.ini which you need for your php parser.
·        Short_open_tag=off
·        Short open tags look like thie <? ?>. This option must be set to Off if you want to use XML functions.

Q-5: Explain PHP .htaccess file.
·        Ans: A .htaccess (hyper text access) file is a directory level configuration file supported by several web servers, that allows for decentralized management of web server configuration. They are placed inside the web tree, and are able to override a server’s global configuration for the directory that they are in and all sub directories.
·        The original purpose of .htaccess reflected in its name was to allow per-directory access control, for example requiring a password to access the content.
·        To create a .htaccess file on windows, just open a new document in Notepad and save it as .htaccess and make sure All files are selected in the Save as type drop down menu so it doesn’t save it as .htaccess.txt.
·        If you place an .htaccess file in the root directory of your website, it will affect every directory on your website.

Q.6: Benefit and Feature of PHP.
·        Cost:
o   PHP cost you nothing, it is an open source software and does not need to purchase it for development.
·        Easy to use:
o   PHP is easy to learn, compared to others there are lots of readymade software are available for PHP.
o   Scripts are freely available in market.
o   So that you can use them in your project or getting some help for them.
·        HTML support:
o   PHP is embedded within HTML , in other words PHP pages are ordinary HTML pages. That escape into PHP made only when necessary.
o   When a client request for the web pages the web server pre process it.
o   This means it goes through the page from top to bottom, looking for section of PHP which will try to resolve.
·        Cross Platform Compatibility:
o   PHP and MYSQL runs on every popular flavor of unix and windows. A huge percent of the world’s HTTP server run on one of this two operating system.
·        PHP is compatible with three leading web services:
o   Apache HTTP server for unix and windows, Microsoft internet information server(IIS), and netscape enterprise server.
o   It also works within several lesser known server, including Alex Blit’s FHttpd, Microsoft personal web server, AOL server, Omnicentrix’s omni server.
·        Stability:
o   The word stability means two different things in this content.
o   The server does not need to be repeated.
o   The software does not change from release to release.
·        Speed:
o   PHP is zippy in its execution, especially when compiled as a Apache Module on the Unix side.
o   Although it takes a slight performance hit. Rather than compiled this is the benefits of PHP which drives from its status as a web server module.

Q-7: Explain PHP configuration in IIS and Apache web server.
·        Start à control panel à Add/remove program
·        Click on Add/remove window component and select IIS (Insert windows XP CD) in the CD ROM drive.
·        Wait till IIS is installed on your system.
·        To configure IIS with PHP to start à control panel à Administration tools.
·        Expand the local host window.
·        Right click on default web sites and select properties.
·        In the website properties window select the home directory tab and click on configure button.
·        In the application configuration window click on add button.
·        In add/Edit application extension dialog box browse the php.exe file and add the .php extension in the text box and click on ok.
·        Restart the machine in your Apache web server is configuring with php.

Q-8 What is Apache?
·        The Apache is Http Server.
·         It is a powerful, flexible, HTTP/1.1 Compatible web server.
·        It implements the latest protocol including HTTP/1.1.
·        It is highly configurable and extensible with third party modules.
·        It can be customized by writing modules using the Apache module API.
·        It provides full source code and comes with unrestrictive license.
·        It runs on windows NT/9x, Netware 5.x and above, OS/2 and most versions of UNIX, as well as several other operating systems.
·        It encourages user feedbacks through new ideas.

Q-9: Explain basic PHP syntax.
·        A PHP file normally contains HTML tag just like HTML file with some PHP scripting code.
·        A PHP scripting block starts with
          <?php   and ends with  ?>
·        A PHP scripting block can be placed anywhere in the HTML documents.
·        Each code line in php must end with semicolon (;), the semicolon is a separator and is used to separate one set of instructions from another.
·        There are two basics statements for output with php is
·        echo
·        print
                                           echo “Hello world”;

Q-10: Explain characteristics of PHP.
·        PHP is case sensitive.
o   PHP is most case sensitive therefore have to take care about your capitalization closely when you create or call variable object and functions.
·        Whitespace
o   PHP ignore extra spaces, you can add white space to make your script more readable.
·        Insert special character.
o   You can insert special characters with a back slash.
o   Ex: echo “\” good evening \” “;
·        Comments:
o   In PHP we use forward slash //  c style comments  or # shell style comments, to make a single line comment and  /* and end with */  to make multi line comments.
·        Ending statement with a semicolon
o   In php each statement ends with a semicolon (;),  it is optional for last statement of php.
o   Ex:
                        echo “Hello<br>”;
                        echo “How are you<br>”;
                        echo “I am fine<br>”

Q-11: Explain variables in PHP.
·        Variables in PHP are represented by dollar ($) sign followed by the name of the variable.
·        The variable name is case sensitive. A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters or underscores.
·        Ex:
              echo “$var , $Var”;
·        Output: Hello world.    
·        There are different types of variable
·        Global variable:
·        In php global variable must be declared global inside a function. If they are point to be used that function using global keyword and php also defines $GLOBALS array.

·        Ex:
                   function sum()
                             global $a , $b;
                             $c=$a + $b;
                   echo $c;
Output: 3

·        Ex-2: Using GLOBALS keyword
                   function sum()

          echo $c;

·        Scope of variables:
·        The scope of a variable contains within which it is defined.
·        Within user define function a local function call scope is introduce any variable used inside a function is by default to the limited for its local function scope.
                   $a=1;  /*global scope*/
                   function test()
                             $a=100;      /*local scope*/
                             echo “Value of A=$a”;
                             /*reference to local scope variable*/
                   echo “<br> value of A=$a”;  
                   /*reference to global scope variable*/
·        Static variable:
·        It is another important feature of variable scope.
·        A static variable exist only local function scope, but it does not lose its value when program execution leaves this scope.

          function test()
                   echo $a;
·        This function is quit useless because everytime when it is called it sets a=0 and print 0.
·        To make a useful counting, the $a variable declared static.
                   function test()
                             static $a=0;
                             echo $a;
0 1 2

Q-12: Explain GET and POST method.
·        When a form is submitted to the php script, the information from that form is automatically made available to the script.
·        There are many way to access this information is to explain GET and POST method of form object.

GET  method:
·        The GET method passes arguments from the page to the next page as a part of URL (Universal / Uniform resource locator).
·        When used  in form handling get append the indicated variable name and value to the URL designated in the action attributes.
·        Each item submitted via GET method is accessed in the handler via $_GET array.
·        GET sends its variable in the URL of your visitors web browsers, which makes it easy to see what we sent.

·        It construct and actually new differentiable URL query string , so user can bookmark or store as a favorite this page.
·        It also makes it very easy for visitors to change what was sent,.
·        Disadvantages:
·        It is not suitable for login form, because username and password is fully visible on the screen.
·        Every get submission is recorded in the web server.
·        The length of the URL is limited, so that limited data pass using get method( The limitation of data can be upto 255 characters).

POST Method
·        Post method is most preferred method of form submission.
·        The form data set is included in the body of the form. When it is forwarded to the processing agent (web server).
·        No visible change to the URL will result according to the different data submitted.
·        Each item submitted via post method is accessed in the handler via the $_POST array.

·        It is more secure then GET because user enter information is never visible in the screen.
·        There is a much large limit on the amount of the data that can be passed.(The limitation of data is in a couple of kilobytes).

·        The result at a given moment can not be bookmarked.
·        The result should be expire by the browser, so that an error will result if the user click the back button to revisit the page.
·        This method can be incompatible with certain firewall setup.
·        In programming of GET and POST method you have to create two files, one file is HTML file and another is PHP file.
·        When you run the program, you have to run HTML file. In HTML file you have to give name of php file with action attribute.

Q-13: Explain PHP operators.
·        There are three types of operators.
·        1. Firstly there is a unary operator which operates on only one value.
Ex: The negation operator (!) or increment operator(++)

·        2. The second group is termed as binary operator which contain most of the operator that php supports.
Ex: Logical, conditional operator

·        3. The third group is ternary operator (?:) it should be used to select between two expressions depending on the third one.

Arithmetic operators:

$a + $b
Sum of $a and $b
Opposite of $a
$a - $b
Difference of $a and $b
$a * $b
Product of $a and $b
$a / $b
Quotient of $a and $b
$a % $b
Remainder of $a divided by $b

Note:  The division operator return float value anytime even if the two numbers are integer.

Increment Decrement operators

Pre increment
Increment $a by one, then returns $a
Post Increment
Returns $a, then increment $a by one
Pre Decrement
decrement $a by one, then returns $a
Post decrement
Returns $a, then decrement $a by one

Assignment operator

Is the same as

Comparison operator 

True if $a=$b
True if $a is equal to $b and they are of the same type
Not equal
True if $a is not equal to $b
$a <> $b
Not equal
True if $a is not equal $b
Not identical
True if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type.
$a < $b
Less then
True if $a is less then $b
$a > $b
greater then
True if $a is greater then $b
$a <= $b
Less then or equal to
True if $a is less then or equal to $b
$a >= $b
Greater then or equal to
True if $a is greater then or equal to  $b

Logical operator

$a and $b
True if both $a and $b are true
$a or $b
True if  either $a or $b is true
$a XOR $b
True if either $a or $b is true but not both
True if $a is not true
$a && $b
True if both $a and $b are true
$a || $b
True if  either $a or $b is true

Ternary Operator:
·        One special useful operator is ternary conditional operator.
·        Its job is to takes three expression and use truth value of the expression to decide which of the other two expressions to evaluate and return.
test expression ? yes-expression : no expression

·        The value of this expression is the result of yes-expression if test-expression is true; otherwise no-expression.

String operators:
·        There are two string operators.
·        The first is the concatenation operator (‘.’), which returns the concatenation of its right and left arguments.
·        The second is the concatenating assignment operator(‘.=’),which appends the argument on the right side to the argument on the left side.

$b=$a.”world!”;  //now $b contains “Hello world!”
$a.=”world”;                 //now $a contains “Hello world”
Q-14: Explain Conditional structure and looping structure.
 Explain Control structure and looping structure.

If- statement:
·        The if construct is one of the most important features of many languages, php included. It allows for conditional execution of code fragments.
·        PHP features an if structure is similar to that of C:
if (expression)
·        As described in the section about expressions, expression is evaluated to its Boolean value.
·        If expression evaluates to TRUE, PHP will execute statements, and if it evaluates to FALSE – it’ll ignore it.
                             echo “a is bigger than b”;
·        often you want to execute a statement if a certain condition is met, and a different statement if the condition is not met. This is what else is for.
·        Else extends an if statement to execute a statement in case the expression in the if statement evaluates to FALSE.
·        If expression evaluates to TRUE then block-1 is executed else block-2 is executed.
·        Ex:
          If($a > $b)
                   echo “a is bigger than b”;
                   echo “a is not bigger than b”;
·        if….else if….else
·        You should use the if…else if…else statement if you want to select one of many sets of lines to execute.
          Code to be executed if condition1 is true
else if(condition2)
          Code to be executed if condition2 is true
Code to be executed if condition1 and condition2 are not true

Switch Statement
·        You should use the switch statement if you want to select one of many blocks of code to be executed.
·        First we have a single expression (n) that is evaluated once.
·        The value of the expression is then compared with the values for each case in the structure. If there is a match, the block of code associated with that case is executed.
·        Use break to prevent the code from running into the next case automatically.
·        If expression is not match with any case then default block is executed.
·        Syntax:
          case 1:
                   execute code block 1
          case 2:
                   execute code block 2
                   code to be executed if n is different from case 1 and 2

Looping Structure:
·        Very often when you write code, you want the same block of code to run over again in a row. Instead of adding several almost equal lines in a script we can use loops to perform a task like this.
·        In php there is two different kind of loops.
·        For-loops through a block of code a specified number of times
·        While- loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true.

·        While loops are the simplest type of loop in PHP. They behave just like their C counterparts.
The basic form of a while statement is
·        The meaning of a while statement is simple. It tells PHP to execute the nested statements repeatedly, as long as the while expression evaluates to true.
·        The value of the expression is checked each time at the beginning of the loop.
·        So even if this value changes during the execution of the nested statement, execution will not stop until the end of the iteration.
·        Sometimes if the while expression evaluates to false from the beginning.

·        do-while loops are very similar to while loops, except the truth expression is checked at the end of each iteration instead of in the beginning.
·        The main difference from regular while is that the first iteration of a do…while loop is guaranteed to run.
The basic formation of the do…while statement is,

For loops are the most complex loops in PHP.
They behave like their C counterparts.
The syntax of a for loop is

·        The first expression is evaluated once unconditionally at the beginning of the loop.
·        In the beginning of each iteration expression-2 is evaluated. If it evaluates to true, the loop continuous and the nested statement executed.
·        If it evaluates to false, the execution of the loop ends.
·        At the end of each iteration expression-3 is evaluated.

Foreach loop:
·        The foreach loop works only on arrays, and is used to loop through each key/value pair in an array.            
foreach ($array as $value)
          code to be executed;
·        For every loop iteration, the value of the current array element is assigned to $value and the array pointer is moved by one, until it reaches the last array element.

Q-15 :Explain Array In php.
·        An array in Php is actually an ordered map.
·        A map is a type that maps values to keys.
·        This type is optimized in several ways, so you can use in as a real array or a list, dictionary, collection, queue and more.
·        The array is specified with array () function.
·        In PHP, the array() function is used to create an array:

·        It takes a certain number or comma separated by
·        key => values pair.


·        A key may be an integer or a string. If a key is a standard representation of an integer, it will be interpreted as its value.
·        Floats in key are truncated to integer.
·        There is only one type which can both contain integer and string.
·        A value can be of any PHP type.
·        A key may be integer or string and value may be any value.

          $arr=array(“hello”=> “students”,12=> “true”);
          echo $arr[“hello”];
          echo $arr[12];

·        It will be interpreted as integer. There are no different index and according type in PHP.

For Ex:
echo $arr[“somearray”][6];
echo $arr[“somearray”][14];
echo $arr[“somearray”][“a”];
·        If you do not specify a key for a given value, that maximum of the integer value is taken and new key will be that maximum value +1.
·        If you specify a key that already has a value assign to it, than value will be overwritten.

·        Using true as a key will evaluate to integer 1 as key.
·        Using false as a key will evaluate to integer 0 as key.
·        You can modify an existing array by setting the value in array.
·        It is done by the assigning to array while specify the key in brackets. You can also omit the key and add empty pair of brackets([ ]) to the variable name.
·        If variable does not exist yet it will be created , so that this is also alternative way to specify an array.
·        To change a certain value, just assign a new value with its key.
·        If you want to remove a key and value of a pair, you need to unset it.
                             $arr[ ]=56;
                             echo “<br>”;
According to above example unset is used to remove elements in an array.

:: Best Of Luck ::

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