Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Android Short Questions For B.C.A.,M.C.A. and all IT students

Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD-IT)
Contact No  : 7600044051
E-Mail         : rupareleducation@gmail.com

Android Short Questions for all IT students

·       What is Android?

Android is an open-source, linux-based operating system that is used in mobiles, tablets, televisions etc.

·       Who is the founder of Android?

Andy Rubin.

·       Which kernal is used in android?
Android is customized Linux 3.6 kernel.

·       Explain the Android application Architecture.

Following is a list of components of Android application architecture:
  • Services: Used to perform background functionalities.
  • Intent: Used to perform the inter connection between activities and the data passing mechanism.
  • Resource Externalization: strings and graphics.
  • Notification: light, sound, icon, notification, dialog box and toast.
  • Content Providers: It will share the data between applications.

·       What are the code names of android?

1.                      Aestro
2.                      Blender
3.                     Cupcake
4.                      Donut
5.                     Eclair
6.                     Froyo
7.                    Gingerbread
8.                    Honycomb
9.                    Ice Cream Sandwitch
10.                  Jelly Bean
11.                  Kitkat
12.                   Lollipop
13.                   Marshmallow
14.                   Orario

·       What are the advantages of android?

Open-source: It means no licence, distribution and development fee.
Platform-independent: It supports windows, mac and linux platforms.
Supports various technologies: It supports camera, bluetooth, wifi, speech, EDGE etc. technologies.
Highly optimized Virtual Machine: Android uses highly optimized virtual machine for mobile devices, called DVM (Dalvik Virtual Machine).

·       Does android support other language than java?

Yes, android app can be developed in C/C++ also using android NDK (Native Development Kit). It makes the performance faster. It should be used with android SDK

·       What are the core building blocks of android?

The core building blocks of android are:
  • Activity
  • View
  • Intent
  • Service
  • Content Provider
  • Fragment etc.

·       What is activity?

Activity is like a frame or window in java that represents GUI. It represents one screen of android.

·       What are the life cycle methods of android activity?

There are 7 life-cycle methods of activity. They are as follows:
1.     onCreate()
2.     onStart()
3.     onResume()
4.     onPause()
5.     onStop()
6.     onRestart()
  1. onDestroy()

·       What is intent?

It is a kind of message or information that is passed to the components. It is used to launch an activity, display a web page, send sms, send email etc. There are two types of intents in android:
1.     Implicit Intent
  1. Explicit Intent

·       What is implicit intent in android?

Implicit intent is used to invoke the system components.

·       What is explicit intent in android?

Explicit intent is used to invoke the activity class.

·       What is content provider?

Content providers are used to share information between android applications.

·       What is ADB?

ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge. It is a command line tool that is used to communicate with the emulator instance.

·       What is an APK format?

APK is a short form stands for Android Packaging Key. It is a compressed key with classes,UI's, supportive assets and manifest. All files are compressed to a single file is called APK.

·       What is ADT in Android?

ADT stands for Android Development Tool. It is used to develop the applications and test the applications.

·       What is View Group in Android?

View Group is a collection of views and other child views. It is an invisible part and the base class for layouts.

·       What is DDMS?

DDMS stands for Dalvik Debug Monitor Server. It gives the wide array of debugging features:
1.     Port forwarding services
2.     Screen capture
3.     Thread and heap information
4.     Network traffic tracking
  1. Location data spoofing

·       What are the basic tools used to develop an android app?

  • JDK
  • Eclipse+ADT plugin
  • SDK Tools
·       What is the AndroidManifest.xml?
This file is essential in every application. It is declared in the root directory and contains information about the application that the Android system must know before the codes can be executed.

·       What is shared preferences in android?
Shared preferences are the simplest mechanism to store the data in XML documents.

·       What does the intent filter do in android?
Intent filters are filter out the intents.

·       What is drawable folder in android?
A compiled visual resource that can used as a backgrounds, banners, icons, splash screen etc.

·       What is a service in android?
The Service is like as an activity to do background functionalities without UI interaction.

·       How is the use of web view in Android?
WebView is UI component that can display either remote web-pages or static HTML

·       What is Context?
The context is the central command center for an Android application. All application-specific functionality can be accessed through the context.

·        What is an Activity?

An Android application is a collection of tasks, each of which is called an Activity. Each Activity within an application has a unique task or purpose.

·       What is an Intent?

The Android operating system uses an asynchronous messaging mechanism to match task requests with the appropriate Activity. Each request is packaged as an
Intent. You can think of each such request as a message stating an intent to do something.

·        What is a Service?
Tasks that do not require user interaction can be encapsulated in a service. A service is most useful when the operations are lengthy, offloading time-consuming processing  or  need  to  be  done  regularly  such  as  checking a server for new mail.