Friday, December 29, 2017

Data Structure Searching Technique

Prepared By : Uday Shah - HOD (IT)
Contact No : 7600044051
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Searching Technique

1.      Searching is a mechanism in which the large amount of data are sorted in a local buffer as well as in server database and user want to search individually then database allow to satisfy the criteria or condition which individual record to retrieved from the database.

2.      So, the efficient storage of the data facility provides fast searching algorithm technique.

3.      Searching of the data is the fundamental requirement of any computer application.

4.      The main advantages of the searching algorithms is to provide a good communication way by which user can retrieve a single or group of records from thousand of records.

5.      Datastructure provide two fundamental searching techniques.
1.      Liner Search
2.      Binary Search

Linear Search

1.             This is a simplest and easiest implementation of most frequently used searching algorithm.
2.            The Linear search is also most effective searching algorithm because in this technique it simply traversal from top to bottom in an array and compare each element of an array with their searching elements.
3.                  If searching element is found in the list then it display appropriate message on the screen otherwise it continues to find a searching element up to the end of the list.
4.                  In Linear search searching algorithm has one flag type variable.
5.                  If searching element found in the list then it change the value of flag type variable.
6.                  It will take more time in compare to others searching algorithm.
7.                  It is only used in limited amount of data because it require more consuming time
8.                  This is the simplest technique to find out an element from an unsorted list. It simply traverse from top to bottom in the array and find for the key target value from the list and display output as well. It will also call as sequential searching method.
9.                  In this technique the value of the key is compared with the first element of the list, if match is found then the appropriate message is displayed and searching  is done on remaining array elements.
linear Search
1.         Start
2.         Linear_Search(element, n, l)
                        Where element            represents an Array List
                        n                                  represents Number of Elements
                        l                                   represents Last Elements of an Array
            3.         Initialize:
                                    k = 0
                                    Flag = 1
4.                  Repeat Step – 5 for k = 0, 1, 2 .. n -1
5.                  if  array[k] = element
output: Element Found
                                    flag = 0
6.         if flag = 1 then
output : Element Not Found
            7.         Exit
Binary Search

1.                  Binary search is also one of the fundamental algorithms to provide efficient searching algorithm.
2.                  Sequential search use in a small amount of data while binary search used in large amount of data because it user divide and conquer method.
3.                  Binary search is widely use searching algorithm for any application because within a sort amount of time it produces thousands of output on a special keyword.
4.                  Binary search is a fastest searching algorithm.
5.                  The main characteristics of binary search are that work on sorted data list.
6.                  In a binary search there are 3 different values are use that is 
a.       Low Value
b.      High Value
c.       Mid Value
7.                  The Low value represent the lower limit of an array which is always 0.
8.                  The High value represents the Upper limit of an array which is always SIZE – 1.
9.                  The Mid value represents the average value of High value and Low value.
10.              According to Binary Search algorithm searching element compare with mid value.
11.              If searching element is higher then mid value then the searching element is down side of mid value otherwise up side of the mid value and this process is still continue up to the searching element is not found.
12.              This is an effective searching algorithm because within a short period of time it displays the position of searching element in the list.
Binary Search
1.         Start
2.         Binary_Search(element, n, l)
                        Where element            represents an Array List
                        n                                  represents Number of Elements
                        l                                   represents Last Elements of an Array
            3.         Initialize:
low = 0,high = n-1
            4.         Repeat through Step – 6 while (low <= high)
            5.         mid = (low + high)/2
            6.         if  element < mid then
                                    high = mid – 1
                        else if element > mid then
                                    low = mid + 1
                        else if element = mid then
                                    output: Element Found
                                    flag = 0
7.                  if flag = 1 then
output : Element Not Found
            8.         Exit