Prepared By : Uday Shah (HOD-IT)
Contact No : 7600044051
E-Mail : rupareleducation@gmail.com
J2EE 1 MARK Question and Answer
1 Which components run on the client
Business Tier b)
Middle Tier c) Client Tier d) None
2. Which layer is stand on 5th
a) Business Layer b) Database Logic c) Database Manager d) None
3. Which of the following is tag of
a) SQL variant to generate b) Size of database c) Both d)
4. OOD is stand for.
a) Object Design Diagram b) Object Oriented Design c) Object Oriented Data d) None
5. MOM is stand for.
a) Message Object Model b)
Middleware Object Modem
c) Message Oriented Middleware d) Middleware
Oriented Message.
6. JNDI is stand for.
a) Java Naming and Directory
Interface. b) Just
Naming and Directory Interface.
c) Java National and Directory
Interface. c) None
7. How many modules are there in spring?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d)
8. Which of the following statement is
false about MVC?
a) Complete control over your HTML Markup
b) Makes Test Driven Development (TDD) very
c) Allows you to create SEO-friendly URLs for your site
d) Enables rich AJAX and jQuery integration
9. Which
tag library Struts does not support ?
a) Logic
bens c) html d) JSP
10. JSTL is stand for.
a) Java Server Page Standard Tag
Library b) Java Standard Tag
c) Java Server Tag Library d)
11. EJB is stand for.
a) Enternational Java Beans b)
12. ERP is stand for.
13. Java Servlets are efficient and powerful
solution for creating ............. for the web.
a) Dynamic content b) static content c)
hardware d)
14. To Know Database name or Database File
Name used.
a) getDatabase() b) getName() c) getCatlog( ) d) getDatabaeCatlog()
15. Which Method return the number of column
in this resultset object.
a) getColumn( ) b) getCountColumn() c) getColumnCount() d) None.
16. Which method is used to retrieve
parameter’s Name and Value.
a) getParameter( ) b) getNameAndValue( )
c) getInitParameterNames( ) d) None
17. ________ method is used to send and HTTP
Response code to the Client.
a) setResponce( ) b) getResponce ( ) c) setStatus( ) d) getStatus( )
18. Where is MetaData Stored in mysql.
a) Mysql database metadata b) Mysql database metasql c) Mysql database mysql d ) None
19. Which JDBC Driver Type can be used in
either applet or Servlet Code?
a) Type 1 and Type 2 b) Type 1 and Type 3
c ) Type 3 and Type 4 d) Type 3 and Type 1
20. A JSP is transformed into a(n)
a) Java Applet b) Java Servlet c) a and b d) None
21 Which API is used for distributed
transaction application?
JSF b) JMS c) JTA d)
22. ______ method is used to identify remote
a) Bind b)
Lookup c) List d) Rebind
23. An object on another
computer is known as __________.
a) Server Object b) Client Object
c) Remote Object
d) Client and Server object
24. What is the name of Hibernate’s own query
a) SQL b) HQL c)
25. The syntax of scriplets is
a) <% %> b) <! %> c)
<@! %> d) <%! %>
26. Hibernate have ______ type of exceptions.
a) Un-checked exceptions b)
Checked exception
c) Un-checked and checked exception d) None
27. Which method is not the method of
Connection Interface?
a) Close() b) getMetaData()
c) getConnection d) commit()
28. doGet() and doPost() methods are called
via _____.
Service() b) init() c) Destroy d)
29. Which method returns current session?
a) getSession() b)
getQueryString() c) getHeaders d) None
30. The stub is a _____ side proxy of the
remote object.
a) Client b) Servet c) Both d)
31. Struts2 framework is based on the _____
design pattern.
a) MVC b) Client-Server c)
Peer to Peer d)
32. The key unit of modularity in Aspect
Oriented Programming (AOP) is ____.
Class b)
Aspect c) Object d) None
33. Scope of out object is ______.
a) Application scope b) Page scope c) Session
Scope d) None
34. Business logic is resides at _____ tier
in three tier architecture.
a) Client Tier b) Business Tier c) Database Tier d) None
35. The
Spring web model-view-controller (MVC) framework is designed around a ______
that handles all the HTTP requests and responses.
a) Dispatcher Servlet b) Dispatch Servlet c) Disp Servlet d) None.
36. Which method is used to set time for
a) set time out b) set Max Age c) set Max time d) None
37. Hibernate is an _____ solution for JAVA.
a) Object-Oriented Mapping(OOM) b) Mode-Relational
c) Object-Relational Mapping(ORM) d) None
38. Which tag in the JSP is used to define
the error page?
a) Error Page b) Is Error Page c) Exception Page d) All of above
39. Which one of following is not types of
a) Session Beans b) Entity Beans c ) Message-driven beans
d) Cookie Beans
40. Which one is compatible
with java Environment?
a) DCE b) DCOM c)
41. How Many Type of
Enterprise Architecture.
a) 2 b) 4 c)
6 d)
42. What is Full Form of JSP?
a) Java Second Page b) Just Server Page c) Java Server Page d) None of This
43. A link between the RRL
on the server side and the RRL on the client side.
a) Stub b)
Skeleton c) Transport
Layer d) All
44. Client Side Proxy is
known as.
a) Stub b)
Skeleton c) Transport Layer d) All
45. Server Side proxy is
known as.
a) Stub b)
Skeleton c) Transport
Layer d) All
46. RMI Stand For.
a) Remote Machine Interface b) Random Method Invocation
c) Remote Method Invocation d) None of this
47. The bridge between a
Java program and a database is known as.
a) JDBC b)
48. Type – 1 Driver is.
a) Native Protocol Driver b) Native – API Driver
c) Network Protocol Driver d) JDBC-ODBC Driver
49. Type – 4 Driver is.
a) Native Protocol Driver b) Network Protocol
c) Native – API Driver d) JDBC-ODBC Driver
50. From Which following is
not JDBC API Class/Interface?
a) Javax.sql.Connection b) Java.sql.Driver
c) java.sql.ResultSet d)
51. From Which following is
not The Connection Interface Method?
a) rollback() b) isClosed() c) Commit() d)
52. From Which following is
The Statement Interface Method.
a) rollback() b) close() c) createStatement() d) None
53. registerOutParameter
Method is Used in?
a) Statement Interface b) Callable
Statement Interface
c) Prepared Statement Interface d) None
54. Java Server Side
Component is?
a) JDBC b)
JSP c)
Servlet d)
55. What is SSL?
a) Secure Space Layer b) Socket Secure Layer
c) Secure Socket Layer d) None
56. EJB Stand For.
a) Enternate Java Beans b) Enterprise JavaBeans c)
Enterprise Java Base d) None
57. What is the Web Address of Tomcat Server.
HTTP:://localhost:8080 b)
HTTP://Localhost:8080 d) http://localhost:8080
58. <%! …… %> tag is know is.
Scriptlet Tag b) Expression Tag
c) Declaration Tag d)None
59. Try.. Catch is Used for?
a) Error b) Exception c) Session
d) All
60. What is Full form of DD.?
Dynamic Design b) Descriptor
c) Deployment Descriptor d) None
61. XML is Stand For.
a) Excises
Markup Language b) Extensible Markup Language
Extension Madeup Language d) Executable Markup Language
62. Meaning of JAF is
a) Java Activation Framework b) Java
Bean Advance Framework
c) Java Beans
Activation Framework c) Java Bean
Active Framework
63. What
are the scopes available in struts?
a) Session , request b) Page,
c) Page, request, session,
application d) request, session, application
64. The IDL compiler
generates ..................... and .........................
a) runnable code, stubs b) client, stubs
stubs, client d) stubs, skeleton
65. For loop is written in
JSP using
a) Scriptlet b) Express c) Expressions d)
66. Want
to declare variable in JSP used.
a) Scriptlet b)
Express c) Expressions d)
67. To
use applet code using JSP which tag is used.
a) jsp:param b)
jsp:plugin c) jsp:include d) None
68. isPageError
return __________ type value.
a)int b) float c) Boolean d) all
69. In
Database Driver Type – 2 Driver is
a) Native
Protocol Driver b)
Network Protocol Driver
c) Native –
API Driver d)
70. RPC
Stand for
a) Remote Program Check b) Remote
Procedure Check
c) Remote Procedure Call d) None
71. IDL
Stand for
a) Internet Definition
Language b) Interface Definition Language
c) Internal Definition
Language d) None
72. JSP embeds in ................ in
a) Servlet,
b) HTML, Java c)
HTML, Servlet d) Java, HTML
73. In
connection Interface which method is used for undo all the changes made to the database?
a) void commit() b) void rollback() c) void undoall() d) none
74. In
Prepared Statement which method is used to execute insert, update and delete
a) int executeQuery() b) int
executeUpdate() c) boolean
execute() d) None
75. How
we get Username of current database user.
a) Result Set Metadata b)
Database Metadata c) Dataset Metadata d)
76. By
which user can create dynamic web site.
a) Servlet b) JSP c)
Html d) None
77. The class string
belongs to ................... package.
a) java.awt b)
java.lang c) java.applet c) java.string
78. Which
sign is used for In Operator in Query.
a) $ b) = c) ? d) All
79. To
Check Cursor is on Lastrow which method is used.
a) EOF () b)
isEOF() c) isLast() d) isFinished()
80. Which
method is return current row number?
a) next () b) Row() c) getRow() d)