Prepared By : Uday Shah - HOD (IT)
Contact No : 7600044051
Namespaces are heavily used in C# programming in two ways. First, the .NET Framework uses namespaces to organize its many classes, as follows
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
System is a namespace and Console is a class in that namespace. The using keyword can be used so that the complete name is not required, as in the following example
using System;
Second, declaring your own namespaces can help you control the scope of class and method names in larger programming projects. Use the namespace keyword to declare a namespace, as in the following example:
namespace SampleNamespace { class SampleClass { public void SampleMethod() { System.Console.WriteLine( "SampleMethod inside SampleNamespace"); } } }Namespaces have the following properties:
- They organize large code projects.
- They are delimited by using the . operator.
- The using directive obviates the requirement to specify the name of the namespace for every class.
- The global namespace is the "root" namespace: global::System will always refer to the .NET Framework namespace System.